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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Preamble Declaration

Because my country has been sold and negotiated away. Many of our Ports given to be run by foreign agents.
Because Ike's warning is here. Because a dark practice has permeated,corrupted and poisoned all aspects of living on Earth. Because these dark forces are bleeding all governments on this Earth and are intentionally causing chaos. Because they have been targeting and experimenting on individuals using our tax money Because the Department of Defense has 'lost' more than 18,000 dollars per man woman and child in the USA and spent almost as much in the last sixteen years. Because the profiteers have taken over the elections and they have been corrupted so that every politician has to bow to them. Because they allow drugs in using military and mercinary companies coming from Afghanistan and South America, not checking cargo returning to the USA. Because they are experimenting with the whole population by spraying secret formulas over our heads. Because they target anyone who sees what they are doing or innovators and assassinate them in various obvious and secret ways and then call it suicide. Because they have weapons that could destroy the world and they are careless. Because they got away with 911 because the Democrats and Republicans looked the other way. Because the model that the Neo-liberals and the Neo-conservatives is sociopathic and wicked. Because these dark forces want death and destruction, including the destruction of our constitution.

We need a new free political party. A party - I would like to call it the PEACE PARTY or something with or THE PARTY PARTY or some inclusive word. A Party that supports all life on this planet.

They plan to call martial law soon. They are inching their way. Going to manufacturer an energy crisis [it looks to me] that they have laid the plan. Gas and grid. [I conclude this partially because of CLOSED WALMARTS CONVERSION TO FEMA TYPE PRISON CAMPS, BLACK SKIES DRILLS, AND out of regular and medium gas at two stations last week]
Weak minded people let them play this game of utter destruction. IT is planned but it doesn't have to go that way. I have concluded that the Democrats and the Republicans, have lived in times where they make legislation because of a systemic form of bribery they say to pay for their elections but it goes deeper than that - speaking engagements, boards, insider trading and all sorts of incentives for the corruptables to fall for.

We need a new free political party, that honors the Constitution as the highest Law of the land, all land.

Propagated division. Divide to conquer.

You can't see if you don't look. It is clear to me that there were provocaters and the one who uses the man a man as a shield to push into the line of police like the man was a ragdoll, seems to be giving orders to the police. They seem to show submission to him. HE has tan pants a white polo shirt, and caries a helmet. were people bussed to the rally? Were they paid by a Soroes foundation or company? IT seems like a set up to me, that was planned to take our eyes away from our deeper problems. LIKE THE NEOCON AND NEOLIBERAL AGENDA