The US Constitution- First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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Friday, April 30, 2010
Democracy Now .org April 30, 2010
In Mexico, two human rights activists have been shot dead in the state of Oaxaca. The victims have been identified as Beatriz Carino, director of the Mexican human rights group CACTUS, and Jyri Antero Jaakkola, a human rights observer from Finland. They were traveling as part of a convoy attempting to deliver aid to a town that’s been targeted by paramilitary blockades since the 2006 uprising against governor Ulises Ruiz.
Letter to Editor - Journal of the San Juans
My heart breaks for the Hispanic communities in the USA right now. So much hatred being flamed towards them. This hatred and fear is propagated by the agenda whose only path to power is to divide and conquer. To keep us confused about the real factual problems that we face as a nation and blame a whole population for mistakes made by so called 'Free Trade' and 'Outsourcing', Because of the poor economy in their countries, they come. We all should be shouting about NAFTA taking our and their jobs. We should be looking at the World Trade Organisation and how it has no humanity in its
mandated considerations, only Money.
I find that the Hispanic community has been an addition to our community. The people I have interacted with are beautiful and gentle and hard-working. We as a country can not see the beauty because we find a power in hate. Hate and scorn are not Christian values. They are the opposite.
I ask and pray that we as a nation show kindness and compassion towards our immigrants and understand that they are an integral part of our economy.
There are things to be done to grow our economy that will take the creativity of Unity within Diversity and it will take great vision and heart. Hatred weakens us as a nation.
So. in closing, I would like to thank all of the immigrants in our community. Thank you and God Bless you.
Sincerely, Nancy Brickman.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sage Francis Sea Lion
"But I’m staying I've planted seeds and plan to watch them grow
I've watered all my wishes dreams fulfilled more seeds to sow
And I promise to learn to love the way I've learned to fear
To unknot all the inhibitions tangled in my hair
To let my ego mound in piles around the barber chair
And make a graceful exit from my vexed troubled years
I've decided I've been invited to my own resort
Where knights can leave their armor neatly piled by the door
And every woman, child, and man will gather by the shore
and study how sea lions swim in cursive
The force of my love was strong. The sea lion lay down long. Song in the air. Why should singer care? When singer can be among song." Last refrain of Song 'Sea lion' by Sage Francis
Pippy died two days ago
the vortex of grief is spinning through my body
coming in waves when I think I have got control
it heaves over the wall into this world
Ancient partings accessed through this vortex
It echoes the grief that my country has caused
I woke up and realised that this country
is ok with killing hundreds of thousands of humans and their animals -millions if you count the impact of the ravage of the two occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan -
in the lie of 'Freedom' Its easier if they are brown people -of coarse- because in some sick image
Jesus is white. and only loves the fair skin babies.
*note: they are going to make every effort including a home-grown false flag 'terrorist' attack so they can have their slaughter in Iran.
I am on a rant... and they kill the pollinators with the aerial application of coolant into our stratosphere poisoning all who breath.
How will we pull out of this trajectory?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Cycles rythm
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Emissaries of Love

Emissaries of Love
There is no heaven without Love
"Love your enemy"
Heaven disappears when Love flees the Heart
We become dry and brittle
Hateful and worn
Love is the water, the wind, the sea. The trees
the bird that flies high in the sky
without Love the vision becomes closed
the aperture of life shut from the light
The Ego is the false God
Ego is Ruled by fear and protection
It Lusts for the power to destroy
its enemy
The egos own destruction is through Love
In Love there is no Enemy
There is no heaven without Love
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Death of a soul

The soul dies an unholy death
in every moment denied
A wedge issue like no other
Is it genetic body instinctive button
or a made up hateful button?
“Here let me control your emotions-
be afraid, be very afraid”
I remember the timbre of Yacht Club GOP when immigration was mentioned.
There was a tidal wave of glee.
“ OOo- luscious = someone to hate
lower than 'Me' - makes me superior to 'them.'”
'They' become invisible as family.
The fleeing dove
Hides amongst the reeds
un felt Love
>--Power <--in its steed
A lust
a distraction
an empty waste
The broken stallion
with ropes choking him if he rebels from command
Stand down for a moment and you will see him rise again in his true glory
When spirit touches Him He is wild. He is free.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Another use for Duct Tape
wafting down the clay mountain
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Perched upon a Wet Clay Mountain -
Barack Obama's administration has authorised the assassination of the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a rare move against an American citizen.
from: The Telegraph
By Tom Leonard in New York
Published: 6:41PM BST 07 Apr 2010
Anwar al-Awlaki
The US administration has ordered Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen to be targeted Photo: AP
The Yemen-based al-Awlaki has been linked to the Fort Hood massacre and the attempt in December to blow up a Detroit-bound jet by a man wearing explosives in his underpants.
The decision to add him to the US hit list required a National Security Council review because of his citizenship.
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Officials said US intelligence had argued that the cleric now posed a direct threat to America, an al-Qaeda recruiter who had graduated from encouraging attacks to active involvement in them.
Al-Awlaki, 38, became famous last year after it emerged he had communicated extensively by email with Major Nidal Hasan, the army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas.
The cleric, who allegedly had ties with the 9/11 hijackers, later praised the Fort Hood killings and said Muslims should only serve in the US military if they intended to carry out similar attacks.
He has also been linked to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian student accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound jet last Christmas with explosives in his underwear.
Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico and spent years as an imam in the US before moving to the Yemen, where he is believed to remain in hiding.
Members of the George W Bush administration have said they believe it never approved any American for a targeted killing.
However, officials now argue privately that Americans who side with the country's enemies are not ultimately "entitled to special protections".
In February, Dennis Blair, the director of US national intelligence, confirmed that its security agencies had the authority, having obtained specific permission, to kill American citizens if they posed a direct threat to the United States.
On Tuesday, Jane Harman, the Democrat chairman of the House homeland security subcommittee, said Al-Awlaki was "probably the person, the terrorist, who would be terrorist No 1 in terms of threat against us."
My comment: Will we the USA be able to survive this precedent?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wild Card

Shadow of the shadow stretches across history
Hinting strategies of them possessed by power
Who was Joseph Stalin? Behind Hitler? or What behind Sadam Hussein?
Osama bin Laden? Forces still intact . poised and waiting
spider waiting.
planned, they wait. pressure of discovery instead of implementation. many mistakes. brown shirts increasing ranks. shadow casts out the light. light still shines. Radiant strong
police state, chipping and monitoring ( 'for your own good') beyond Hitler Stalin.
More neah All now know the power of freewill - unlike before. wild card played . Black magic nothing compared to the Light.
Picture from
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Monster Mash
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
LAPD websiteThroughout the Land?
Devonshire Volunteer Surveillance Team…They are Watching
Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department's Devonshire Area is honoring and applauding the Volunteer Surveillance Team (VST) as it celebrates its 17th year of service to the many communities within the San Fernando Valley.
VST's are made up of trained community members who work with the LAPD during crime suppression operations. Members utilize surveillance vehicles, police radios, night vision monocular and high tech video cameras to catch criminals in the act of committing crimes. They have been instrumental in catching suspects in the act of stealing cars, committing burglaries, selling drug, committing acts of vandalism, truancy and curfew violations to name a few.
OMB No. 1121-0329
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance
(BJA) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for funding to support innovative
field-initiated programs. This program will assist BJA by contributing to the development of
innovative programs and services in improving the criminal justice system.
Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs
FY 2010 Competitive Grant Announcement
Applicants are limited to public or private entities, including for-profit (commercial) and nonprofit
organizations, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher education,
federally-recognized Indian tribal governments (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior
and published in the Federal Register), and units of local and state government. For-profit
organizations must agree to waive any profit or fees for services.
Registration with OJP’s Grants Management System (GMS) is required prior to application
submission. (See “How to Apply,” page 5)
All applications are due by 8:00 p.m. eastern time on May 18, 2010. (See “Deadlines:
Registration and Application,” page 1.)
Contact Information
For technical assistance with submitting the application, call the Grants Management System
Support Hotline at 1–888–549–9901, option 3, or via e-mail to
Note: The GMS Support Hotline hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 12
midnight eastern time, except federal holidays.
For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact BJA at 1–866–859–2687 or e-
BJA encourages stakeholder feedback on its solicitations and award processes. Send feedback
on this solicitation to
Release Date: March 29, 2010
Overview 1
Deadlines: Registration and Application 1
Eligibility 1
Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs—Specific Information 2
Performance Measures 4
How to Apply 5
What An Application Must Include: 7
Standard Form 424
Program Narrative
Budget and Budget Narrative
Tribal Authorizing Resolution (if applicable)
Other Attachments
Selection Criteria 9
Review Process 10
Additional Requirements 11
Application Checklist 12
OMB No. 1121-0329 ii
Approval expires 02/28/13
Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs
(CFDA #s 16.751 and 16.738)
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking proposals that demonstrate innovation in
justice; address a demonstrated gap in areas within the justice system or in the knowledge base
of justice system practitioners and/or state and local policymakers; and allow for replication
nationwide. The purpose of this solicitation is to identify those field-generated innovative
strategies that may ultimately be added to the pool of criminal justice evidence-based strategies
and promising practices. Applications may be submitted under one of three categories (1) state
or local programs that strategically address emerging or chronic criminal justice issues; (2)
innovative strategies for addressing these issues; or (3) strategies to sustain innovative of
evidence-based programs. Through this solicitation, BJA is looking for the best innovative, field-
generated concepts for advancing the capabilities and performance of the criminal justice
system, including sustainability planning and the implementation of an evidence-based practice
in a novel way or to address a new issue. Projects will be expected to establish performance
measures for success, assess projects based on agreed upon performance measures, and
document results that may be reported and replicated elsewhere.
This program is funded under both the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program
(Byrne Competitive Program) and the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
Program. Authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117), the Byrne
Competitive Program helps local communities improve the capacity of state and local justice
systems and provides for national support efforts including training and technical assistance
programs strategically targeted to address local needs. The JAG Program (42 U.S.C. 3751(a))
is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions, and JAG
funds support all components of the criminal justice system. The JAG Program authorization
also states that “the Attorney General may reserve not more than 5 percent, to be granted to 1
or more States or units of local government, for 1 or more of the purposes specified in section
3751 of this title, pursuant to his determination that the same is necessary—(1) to combat,
address, or otherwise respond to precipitous or extraordinary increases in crime, or in a type or
types of crime” (42 U.S.C. 3756
Deadlines: Registration and Application
Registration is required prior to submission. The deadline to register in GMS is 8:00 p.m.
eastern time on May 18, 2010, and the deadline for applying for funding under this
announcement is 8:00 p.m. eastern time on May 18, 2010. Please see the “How to Apply”
section, page 5, for more details.
Please refer to the cover page of this solicitation for eligibility under this program.
OMB No. 1121-0329 1
Approval expires 02/28/13
Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs—Specific
All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or
additional requirements that may be imposed by law.
Under this solicitation, BJA seeks to strengthen the criminal justice system by challenging those
in the field to identify and define emerging or chronic systemic issues faced by one or more
components of the criminal justice continuum (includes but not limited to law enforcement,
corrections, courts, and community collaborations) and propose innovative solutions to address
or sustain these issues. Applications must address a demonstrated or documented gap in areas
within the justice system or in the knowledge base of justice system practitioners and
policymakers, or a need for which there currently are limited or no resources locally or
nationally. The project must also have the potential for replication nationwide.
All projects, national or local, should focus on developing practical tools and materials for use by
state and local criminal justice agencies, to include but not limited to, training curricula, policy-
relevant documents, guidebooks, and toolkits. Projects must include proposed performance
measures and must incorporate a strategy for reporting against these measures and
communicating the value or lessons learned from the project upon completion. Finally,
awardees will be expected to develop written summaries or reports for wide dissemination.
BJA has established stringent criteria in supporting the goals of field-initiated programs by
requiring applicants to emphasize localized control and ownership; build strong relationships in
the field; develop collaborations and partnerships as needed; and encourage training and
assistance services to local, state, and tribal criminal justice agencies, and practitioners to
capitalize on advancements in the field.
Applications should not be submitted for the following types of projects:
Specific programs and projects for which a grantee, including the applicant, is currently
receiving funding from DOJ or which has been funded by DOJ in the last three years.
Specific projects for which BJA has already posted a solicitation in FY 2010. For a complete
list of BJA funding opportunities posted in FY 2010, please see the FAQs.
Technology or equipment purchases or tests, currently in use within the criminal justice field.
Implementation of existing criminal justice programs or practices.
Equipment purchases, including vehicle purchases.
Personnel not relevant to and necessary in the identified project.
Proposals that do not meet the above scope and criteria will be considered non-
responsive and will not be peer reviewed or considered for funding under this
Award Categories, Award Amounts, and Length of Awards
There are three categories of funding under this solicitation.
Note: Applications that do not respond to the categories under which they are submitted will not
be peer reviewed or considered for funding under this solicitation. Note that applications for only
local- or state-focused projects will be accepted for Category 1.
OMB No. 1121-0329 2
Approval expires 02/28/13
BJA is seeking applications to implement state or local innovations that strategically address
emerging crime issues or a precipitous increase or threat of increase in crime or type of crime.
Using recent data, the application must document the nature and extent of the issue, including
the type or types of crime and the impact on the community. The proposal should offer an
innovative or evidence-based strategy to address this issue and define the expected outcomes
for the strategy.
Applicants may request up to $500,000 in funding. Applicants are encouraged to be realistic in
their budget proposals, as the amount budgeted will be evaluated against the local or national
benefits identified to ensure efficient utilization of resources and will be an important criteria
used during proposal evaluation. Applications should be submitted for a project period of not
less than 15 months and not to exceed 36 months. The project start date should be on or after
October 1, 2010.
BJA is seeking applications to implement an innovative or unique solution, strategy, and/or
response to an identified problem involving precipitous or extraordinary increases in crime, or in
a type or types of crime. An innovative or unique strategy can include the use, in a novel way, of
an evidence-based practice or its use to address a new issue. The activities proposed can
include either a local project designed for replication or a national project designed to build
knowledge or provide tools to the field.
Applicants may request up to $750,000 in funding. Applicants are encouraged to be realistic in
their budget proposals, as the amount budgeted will be evaluated against the local or national
benefits identified to ensure efficient utilization of resources and will be an important criteria
used during proposal evaluation. Applications should be submitted for a project period of not
less than 15 months and not to exceed 36 months. The project start date should be on or after
October 1, 2010.
BJA is seeking applications to implement strategies to assist state, tribal, and/or local criminal
justice agencies in sustaining innovative or evidence-based interventions addressing precipitous
or extraordinary increases in crime, or in a type or types of crime. Successfully sustaining
criminal justice programs is a pervasive challenge, particularly given the limited resources at the
state, tribal and local levels. BJA seeks to fund projects that will identify proven sustainability
strategies and will enhance the capacity of practitioners and policy makers to sustain effective
programs. Sustainability planning is a process that ideally begins at the very beginning of
program planning and implementation. BJA is seeking proposals from the field to create
practical tools to assist state, tribal and local policymakers and criminal justice agency
practitioners in the successful development and implementation of performance management
and sustainability strategies. The activities proposed can include either a local project designed
for replication or a national project designed to build knowledge or provide tools to the field.
Overall goals should be centered on helping to build a jurisdiction’s or state’s capacity to
develop more effective justice systems by promoting strategies for sustainability.
Applicants may request up to $750,000 in funding. Applicants are encouraged to be realistic in
their budget proposals, as the amount budgeted will be evaluated against the local or national
OMB No. 1121-0329 3
Approval expires 02/28/13
benefits identified to ensure efficient utilization of resources and will be an important criteria
used during proposal evaluation. Applications should be submitted for a project period of not
less than 15 months and not to exceed 36 months. The project start date should be on or after
October 1, 2010.
Budget Information
Limitation on Use of Award Funds for Employee Compensation; Waiver: With respect to
any award of more than $250,000 made under this solicitation, federal funds may not be used to
pay total cash compensation (salary plus bonuses) to any employee of the award recipient at a
rate that exceeds 110 percent of the maximum annual salary payable to a member of the
Federal Government’s Senior Executive Service (SES) at an agency with a Certified SES
Performance Appraisal System for that year. (The 2010 salary table for SES employees is
available at Note: A recipient may compensate an
employee at a higher rate, provided the amount in excess of this compensation limitation is paid
with non-federal funds. (Any such additional compensation will not be considered matching
funds where match requirements apply.)
The limitation on compensation rates allowable under an award may be waived on an individual
basis at the discretion of the Assistant Attorney General (AAG) for the Office of Justice
Programs. An applicant that wishes to request a waiver must include a detailed justification in
the budget narrative of its application. Unless the applicant submits a waiver request and
justification with the application, the applicant should anticipate that OJP will request that the
applicant adjust and resubmit their budget.
The justification should include: the particular qualifications and expertise of the individual, the
uniqueness of the service being provided, the individual’s specific knowledge of the program or
project being undertaken with award funds, and a statement explaining that the individual’s
salary is commensurate with the regular and customary rate for an individual with his/her
qualifications and expertise, and for the work that is to be done.
Performance Measures
To assist in fulfilling the Department’s responsibilities under the Government Performance and
Results Act (GPRA), P.L. 103-62, applicants who receive funding under this solicitation must
provide data that measures the results of their work. Additionally, applicants must discuss in
their application their methods for collecting data for performance measures. Please
refer to “What An Application Must Include” (below), for additional information on
applicant responsibilities for collecting and reporting data. Grantees are required to
provide the data requested in the “Data Grantee Provides” column so that OJP can calculate
values for the “Performance Measures” column. Performance measures for this solicitation are
as follows:
OMB No. 1121-0329 4
Approval expires 02/28/13
Objectives Performance Measures Data Grantee Provides
To improve the capacity of the Percent of project plan outcomes met. Number of project tasks* that were
criminal justice system to completed during the reporting
effectively plan, manage, and Percent of project tasks successfully period.
allocate resources and to completed that address capacity
encourage information sharing to building. Number of total project tasks
reduce the incidence of crime (complete or incomplete).
and drug abuse, to provide
responsive law enforcement Number of project tasks that were
services, to enhance local completed during the reporting period
courts, to enhance local that build capacity** in your agency.
corrections and offender reentry,
prevent or combat juvenile Number of total project tasks
delinquency, and/or assist (complete or incomplete) that build
victims of crime (other than capacity in your agency.
Applicants who are awarded Percent of trainees completing the Number of trainees whose post-test
funding to implement training training whose post-test indicated an indicated an improved score over
and/or technical assistance improved score over their pre-test. their pre-test,
activities (TTA) will also have to
report on measures related to Number of trainees completing both a
TTA activities. Percent of trainees/TA recipients pre- and post-test.
reporting improved ability to perform
their work responsibilities (as Number of evaluations or surveys
indicated by evaluation or survey).
Percent of trainees/TA recipients who Number of trainees/TA recipients
rated the training/TA as satisfactory reporting improved ability to perform
their work responsibilities.
or better (as indicated by evaluation
or survey).
Number of trainees/TA recipients who
rated the training/TA as satisfactory
or better.
Average number of hours to
successfully close out TA requests.
Sum of hours to close out TA
Number of TA requests successfully
closed out.
* Task: grant activity defined in application project plan
**Capacity building: enhancing knowledge, increasing the number of services provided, or enhancing the ability of
agencies to better respond to the needs of constituents
How to Apply
Applications will be submitted through OJP’s Grants Management System (GMS). GMS is a
web-based, data-driven computer application that provides cradle to grave support for the
application, award, and management of grants at OJP. Applicants should begin the process
immediately to meet the GMS registration deadline, especially if this is the first time they have
used the system. Complete instructions on how to register and submit an application in GMS
can be found at If you experience technical difficulties at any point
during this process, please e-mail or call 1–888–549–9901 (option
3), Monday–Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 12 midnight eastern time, except federal holidays. The
Office of Justice Programs highly recommends starting the registration process as early as
possible to prevent delays in the application submission by the specified deadline.
OMB No. 1121-0329 5
Approval expires 02/28/13
All applicants are required to complete the following steps:
1. Acquire a DUNS Number. A DUNS number is required to submit an application in GMS.
The Office of Management and Budget requires that all businesses and nonprofit applicants
for Federal funds include a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number in their
application for a new award or renewal of an existing award. A DUNS number is a unique
nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of
entities receiving federal funds. The identifier is used for tracking purposes and to validate
address and point of contact information for federal assistance applicants, recipients, and
subrecipients. The DUNS number will be used throughout the grant life cycle. Obtaining a
DUNS number is a free, one-time activity. Obtain a DUNS number by calling 1–866–705–
5711 or by applying online at Individuals are exempt from this
2. Acquire or Renew Registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
Database. CCR registration is required to receive funding. OJP requires that all applicants
(other than individuals) for federal financial assistance maintain current registrations in the
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. The CCR database is the repository for
standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and
subrecipients. Organizations that have previously submitted applications via are
already registered with CCR, as it is a requirement for registration. Please note,
however, that applicants must update or renew their CCR registration at least once per year
to maintain an active status. Information about CCR registration procedures can be
accessed at
3. Acquire a GMS Username and Password. If you are a new user, please create a GMS
profile by selecting the first time user link under the sign-in box of the GMS home page. For
more information on how to register in GMS, go to
4. Search for the Funding Opportunity on GMS. After you log in to GMS or complete your
GMS profile for your username and password, go to the Funding Opportunities link on the
left hand side of the page. Please select the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the
Developing and Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs.
5. Select the Correct Solicitation Title. Some OJP solicitations posted in GMS contain
multiple purpose areas, denoted by the solicitation categories identified in the solicitation
title. If you are applying to a solicitation with multiple solicitation categories, select the
appropriate solicitation title for the intended purpose area of your application.
6. Select the Apply Online Button Associated with the Solicitation Title. The search
results from step 4 will display the solicitation title along with the Registration and
Application Deadlines for this funding opportunity. Please select the Apply Online button in
the Action Column to create an application in the system.
7. Submit an Application Addressing Consistent with this Solicitation by Following the
Directions in GMS. Once submitted, GMS will display a confirmation screen stating your
submission was successful. Important: You are urged to submit your application at least 72
hours prior to the due date of the application.
OMB No. 1121-0329 6
Approval expires 02/28/13
Note: OJP’s Grants Management System (GMS) does not accept executable file types as
application attachments. These disallowed file types include, but are not limited to, the
following extensions: ".com," ".bat," ".exe," ".vbs," ".cfg," ".dat," ".db," ".dbf," ".dll," ".ini," ".log,"
".ora," ".sys," and ".zip."
Experiencing Unforeseen GMS Technical Issues
If you experience unforeseen GMS technical issues beyond your control which prevent you from
submitting your application by the deadline, you must contact BJA staff (see cover page) within
24 hours after the deadline and request approval to submit your application. At that time, BJA
staff will require you to e-mail the complete grant application, your DUNS number, and provide a
GMS Help Desk tracking number(s). After the program office reviews all of the information
submitted, and contacts the GMS Helpdesk to validate the technical issues you reported, OJP
will contact you to either approve or deny your request to submit a late application. If the
technical issues you reported cannot be validated, your application will be rejected as untimely.
To ensure a fair competition for limited discretionary funds, the following conditions are not valid
reasons to permit late submissions: (1) failure to begin the registration process in sufficient time;
(2) failure to follow GMS instructions on how to register and apply as posted on its Web site; (3)
failure to follow all of the instructions in the OJP solicitation; and (4) technical issues
experienced with the applicant’s computer or information technology (IT) environment.
Notifications regarding known technical problems with GMS are posted on the OJP funding Web
What an Application Must Include
This section describes what an application is expected to include and sets out a number of
elements. Applicants should anticipate that failure to submit an application that contains all of
the specified elements may negatively affect the review of the application and, should a decision
nevertheless be made to make an award, may result in the inclusion of special conditions that
preclude access to or use of award funds pending satisfaction of the conditions.
Moreover, applicants should anticipate that applications that are not responsive to the scope of
the solicitation, or do not include a program narrative, budget, and budget narrative will not
proceed to peer review and will not receive further consideration.
OJP strongly recommends use of appropriately descriptive file names (e.g., “Program
Narrative,” “Budget and Budget Narrative,” “Timelines,” “Memoranda of Understanding,”
“Resumes”) for all attachments. OJP recommends that, if applicable, resumes be included in a
single file.
Standard Form 424
Please see for instructions on how to complete
your SF-424. When selecting "type of applicant," if the applicant is a for-profit entity, please
select "For-Profit Organization" or "Small Business" (as applicable) in the Type of Applicant 1
data field. For-profit applicants also may select additional applicable categories (e.g., "Private
Institution of Higher Education").
Program Abstract (Attachment 1)
Applicants must provide an abstract that clearly identifies the following:
OMB No. 1121-0329 7
Approval expires 02/28/13
• Scope of the proposed project (select one of the following: local, regional, or national)
• The category under which applicant is applying (1, 2, or 3).
• The program area or discipline within the justice system that will benefit from the proposed
• Amount of federal funds requested.
• Goals and objectives for the project.
• How strategies used in meeting these objectives are innovative.
• Deliverables proposed.
The abstract must be follow the format provided above and be double-spaced, using a standard
12-point font (Times New Roman is preferred) with not less than 1-inch margins, and must not
exceed 1 page.
Program Narrative (Attachment 2)
The program narrative must respond to the solicitation and the Selection Criteria (1-3, and 5) in
the order given. Emphasis must be placed on meeting the requirements of the solicitation as
described in the Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs—Specific Information section.
The program narrative must be double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font (Times New
Roman is preferred) with not less than 1-inch margins, and must not exceed 15 pages. Please
number pages “1 of 15,” “2 of 15,” etc.
Applicants should anticipate that if the program narrative fails to comply with these length-
related restrictions, such that it provides a significant competitive advantage, the failure to
comply may be considered in peer review and in final award decisions.
Budget and Budget Narrative (Attachment 3)
Applicants must provide a budget that is allowable and reasonable in response to Selection
Criteria 4. Applicants must submit a budget detail worksheet and budget narrative. A sample
budget worksheet can be found at If you submit a
different format, you must include the budget categories as listed in the sample budget
Please see the OJP Financial Guide for questions pertaining to budget including allowable and
unallowable costs at
Project Time and Task Plan, Memoranda/Letters of Support, Job Descriptions,
and Resumes (Attachment 4)
Attach a Project Time and Task Plan with each project goal, related objective, activity, expected
completion date, and responsible person or organization; Memoranda of Understanding or
Letters of Support, if applicable; Job Descriptions that outline the roles, responsibilities, and
qualifications for all key positions; and Resumes for staff identified for these positions, if known.
Tribal Authorizing Resolution (Attachment 5)
If an application is being submitted by either 1) a tribe or tribal organization, or 2) by a third party
proposing to provide direct services or assistance to residents on tribal lands, then a current
authorizing resolution of the governing body of the tribal entity or other enactment of the tribal
council or comparable governing body authorizing the inclusion of the tribe or tribal organization
and its residents must be included with the application. The Tribal Authorizing Resolution should
acknowledge the application, authorize the inclusion of the tribe or tribal organization and its
residents in the application, and should endorse the strategy described in the application. In
OMB No. 1121-0329 8
Approval expires 02/28/13
those instances when an organization or consortium of tribes proposes to apply for a grant on
behalf of a tribe or multiple specific tribes, then the application must include a resolution from all
tribes which will be included as a part of the services/assistance provided under the grant. If an
applicant fails to submit either a signed or an unsigned copy of a tribal resolution as part of its
application, it will be eliminated from funding consideration. If selected for funding, any applicant
that has submitted an unsigned tribal resolution must submit the signed copy of the tribal
resolution to BJA within 30 days of acceptance of the award. In all such cases, use of and
access to funds will be contingent on receipt of the signed tribal resolution.
Selection Criteria
1. Statement of the Problem (15 percent of 100)
Describe how the project addresses: 1) a demonstrated gap in areas within the justice
system or in the knowledge base of justice system practitioners or state and local
policymakers; or 2) the need for which there currently are no resources, or resources are
limited or insufficient. Include any relevant data, background and any other information that
is pertinent to understanding the identified problem. In particular, note if the issue relates to
a specific or precipitous increase in crime the proposal is intended to address or prevent.
For national or regional projects, identify the relevance and usefulness of the proposed
project to many or most communities, states or criminal justice agencies nationwide.
Addressing multiple areas through a comprehensive approach that includes more than one
segment of the criminal justice field is appropriate. Ensure that any reviewer of the proposal,
regardless of background, will understand the nature of the problem and the need for federal
2. Project Design and Implementation (35 percent of 100)
Describe how and why the proposed strategy is innovative, and how the innovative strategy
addresses the problems, gaps, or limited resources identified in the Statement of the
Problem. Describe in detail: 1) how the proposed innovative project is based upon and/or
may contribute to evidenced-based strategies or promising practices; 2) how the value or
lessons learned from the project upon completion will be communicated and disseminated;
3) how project outcomes could serve as a model that could be replicated nationwide; and 4)
how the project will develop practical tools and materials for the field that will assist state
and local practitioners in adopting promising approaches, technology and information
sharing solutions. In addition, identify the recipients or the beneficiaries of the work. Finally,
where applicable, describe how the project will ensure collaboration between public officials,
subject matter experts, stakeholders, and industry partners. For local projects, the response
should also address how the project will bring improvements to the agency that is the focus
of the project.
3. Capabilities/Competencies (25 percent of 100)
Demonstrate, with specific examples, your organization’s expertise and experience in:
• Facilitating and delivering criminal justice-related programs at the national or local level;
potentially including facilitation of program development and delivery; standards and
guidelines development; training and technical assistance; curriculum development;
planning of small and large meetings, workshops, and conferences, including agenda
development and faculty identification; and other relevant skill sets.
• Managing concurrent priority tasks effectively.
• Working to build and enhance collaborative approaches to address a broad range of
criminal justice and public safety issues at the national or local level.
OMB No. 1121-0329 9
Approval expires 02/28/13
Describe the management structure and proposed staffing to implement the project and
describe the roles and responsibilities of any co-applicants or partners, if applicable.
4. Budget (15 percent of 100)
Provide a proposed budget that is reasonable, complete, allowable, and cost effective in
relation to the proposed activities. The budget must support the strategies and approaches
outlined in the project design, and include a narrative to describe the expenditures under
each cost area and how it will contribute to the overall program goals.
5. Impact/Outcomes and Evaluation/Plan for Collecting Data for Performance Measures
(10 percent of 100)
Describe the methodology that will be used to collect and report performance data, including
the criteria to be used, and how the information will be analyzed to assess program
performance and will be communicated to inform BJA of the program’s performance.
Demonstrate how the data will be used to enhance program implementation and how it
could guide replication. Discuss how the project will be sustained after the federal funding
Review Process
OJP is committed to ensuring a fair and open process for awarding grants. BJA reviews the
application to make sure that the information presented is reasonable, understandable,
measurable, and achievable, as well as consistent with the solicitation
Peer reviewers will be reviewing the applications submitted under this solicitation that meet
basic minimum requirements. BJA may use either internal peer reviewers, external peer
reviewers or a combination to review the applications under this solicitation. An external peer
reviewer is an expert in the field of the subject matter of a given solicitation who is NOT a
current U.S. Department of Justice employee. An internal reviewer is a current U.S. Department
of Justice employee who is well-versed or has expertise in the subject matter of this solicitation.
Eligible applications will be evaluated, scored, and rated by a peer review panel. Peer
reviewers’ ratings and any resulting recommendations are advisory only. In addition to peer
review ratings, considerations for award recommendations and decisions may include, but are
not limited to, underserved populations, strategic priorities, past performance, and available
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), in consultation with BJA, conducts a financial
review of applications for potential discretionary awards and cooperative agreements to
evaluate the fiscal integrity and financial capability of applicants; examines proposed costs to
determine if the budget and budget narrative accurately explain project costs; and determines
whether costs are reasonable, necessary, and allowable under applicable federal cost principles
and agency regulations.
Absent explicit statutory authorization or written delegation of authority to the contrary, all final
grant award decisions will be made by the Assistant Attorney General (AAG), who may also
give consideration to factors including, but not limited to, underserved populations, geographic
diversity, strategic priorities, past performance, and available funding when making awards.
OMB No. 1121-0329 10
Approval expires 02/28/13
Additional Requirements
Applicants selected for awards must agree to comply with additional legal requirements upon
acceptance of an award. We strongly encourage you to review the information pertaining to
these additional requirements prior to submitting your application. Additional information for
each can be found at
• Civil Rights Compliance
• Faith-Based and Other Community Organizations
• Confidentiality and Human Subjects Protection (if applicable)
• Anti-Lobbying Act
• Financial and Government Audit Requirements
• National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (if applicable)
• DOJ Information Technology Standards (if applicable)
• Single Point of Contact Review
• Non-Supplanting of State or Local Funds
• Criminal Penalty for False Statements
• Compliance with Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide
• Suspension or Termination of Funding
• Non-Profit Organizations
• For-Profit Organizations
• Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
• Rights in Intellectual Property
• Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006
• Awards in excess of $5,000,000 – federal taxes certification requirement
OMB No. 1121-0329 11
Approval expires 02/28/13
Application Checklist
FY 2010 Enhancing Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs
The application checklist has been created to aid you in developing your application.
_____ For-profit (commercial) organization
_____ Non-profit organization
_____ Faith-based or community organization
_____ Institution of higher learning
_____ Federally recognized tribal government
_____ Unit of local or state government
The federal request is within allowable limits:
_____ Category 1: up to $500,000
_____ Category 2: up to $750,000
_____ Category 3: up to $750,000
The Application Components:
_____ Abstract
_____ Indicates the category
_____ Program Narrative
_____ Statement of the Problem/Program
_____ Project Design and Implementation
_____ Capabilities/Competencies
_____ Impact/Outcomes and Evaluation/Plan for Collecting Data for Performance
_____ Budget Narrative and Budget Detail Worksheet
_____ Project Time and Task Plan
_____ Memoranda/Letters of Support
_____ Job Descriptions
_____ Resumes
_____ Tribal Authorizing Resolution (if applicable)
Program Narrative/Abstract Format:
_____ Double-spaced
_____ 12-point standard font
_____ Not less than 1” margins
_____ Narrative is 15 pages or less
_____ Abstract is 1 page or less
_____ Standard 424 Form
_____ DUNS number
_____ Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
OMB No. 1121-0329 12
Approval expires 02/28/13
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The Devonshire VST was organized in 1992 and over the next 17 years has racked up an incredible 52,784 volunteer hours; translating into and estimated savings of $5,383,968 to the City of Los Angeles. The group is credited with assisting in over 4,612 arrests, during 1,594 operations, without a single injury.
Their efforts have made an undisputed impact on crime and have improved the quality of life for all of the residents in the area. Additionally, other benefactors of the team's efforts include surrounding schools, parks, and businesses of the North San Fernando Valley.
Among the accolades Devonshire VST has received for their service are awards from the Los Angeles Police Departments Chief of Police; the California State Senate; the California State Attorney General; California State Assembly; Special Congressional Recognition; and from former President of the United States, George Bush. They were the Volunteer Organization of the Year in 2008.
Devonshire Area Command Staff, Devonshire Area Officer's, and local citizens join together in thanking the Volunteer Surveillance Teams for their outstanding efforts and look forward to the continued partnership that has been so instrumental in making the community safer for all
how extensive is this?.
Northeast Volunteer Surveillance Team
The volunteer surveillance team is a group of trained citizen volunteers from the community, working in partnership with the Police by observing possible criminal activity. They radio their observations to on-duty patrol officers who effect the arrest of the criminals.
To become a VST (Volunteer Surveillance Team) member? You must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid California Drivers license or ID card, pass a background check, be in good medical condition, and have plenty of patience.
Types of Surveillance. Vandalism, BFMV (burglary from motor vehicle), Burglary, Robbery, Grand Theft Auto, and other special assignments.
How safe is it? Before a VST member can go out on surveillance, each volunteer must be adequately trained. VST members will always have a police radio with them. A police car, with two uniformed patrol officers will always be assigned to each surveillance and will effect the arrest.
Remember: By joining VST you will make a difference in our community.
For information, please contact Officer Blanpied or Officer Roussett, VST officers. They can be reached at the Northeast Police Station, 3352 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, CA 90065 or by calling (213) 485-2566.
LAPD Cadet Program – Topanga Area Cadet Post #2100
Cadet Activities:
The Topanga Area Cadet Post #2100 is a group of dedicated young men and women who
volunteer their time to police-related functions by assisting clerical and sworn personnel with
filing, tours, field searches for evidence and crowd control. In addition, Cadets participate in
educational trips such as visits to police agencies throughout California and the nation.
The Cadet program provides special training to young people that are interested in a law
enforcement career and assists them in becoming better citizens in their community, while
developing a positive relationship between the police and youth.
Cadet Recruits will receive Academy training that includes various law enforcement topics and
the noted Character Counts curriculum, which is designed to build leadership skills and instill
character through ethical decision making. We have also incorporated a version of Toastmasters,
which teaches improved communication skills and self-confidence through the art of public
Cadet Recruits Must Meet The Following Requirements:
? Be at least 14 years of age and in the 9th grade; or 15 years (regardless of grade) through
20 years of age.
? Pass a background investigation.
? Have at least a “1.5” grade point average and maintain it through the 12th grade.
? Maintain good moral character.
? Be free of any disability that would jeopardize the Cadet or others in the program.
? Obtain a medical examination (to qualify for insurance).
? Attend and graduate from the 12-week Academy.
Research on Volunteer Surveillance Teams
NENC Joins Forces with the LAPDs Volunteer Surveillance Team
To make Northridge a better place to live, work, play and learn the Northridge East Neighborhood Council has supplied video cameras to the Los Angeles Police Department’s Devonshire Volunteer Surveillance Team. VST provides teams of trained citizen volunteers to assist the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in crime suppression surveillance operations. This reduces criminal activity and improves the quality of life and safety of the residents, parks, schools and businesses in the area.
Its members have contributed 52,784 combined volunteer hours, which has saved the city $5,383,968.00. VST members have assisted in over 4,612 arrests on a total of 1,594 details, without a single injury!
VST works with nearby police units at assigned observation posts and, using the police radio, describe criminal activity in progress. Truancy, graffiti, curfew, car thefts, burglaries, drug sales and other crimes can be suppressed by being at the location when the crime occurs.
Since its inception in 1992, VST has since grown to be recognized and singled out for commendation as a model of Community Based Policing by city, state and federal law enforcement. If your are interested in joining VST, please call 818-832-0992.
info found at:
July 5 2010 Mother was in the store today. I've beem trying to ignore the infiltration of purity products in my community., Trying hard to ignore my observations and to ignore them , most have sparks of poison trapped in their brains, like me, actuality most of us human s are running around with patches of ourselves flung far from our factuality within this place that I type from. No one will understand this but me. and with this blog. that is all that matters a political pancake with observations on my mental fray.