The soul dies an unholy death
in every moment denied
A wedge issue like no other
Is it genetic body instinctive button
or a made up hateful button?
“Here let me control your emotions-
be afraid, be very afraid”
I remember the timbre of Yacht Club GOP when immigration was mentioned.
There was a tidal wave of glee.
“ OOo- luscious = someone to hate
lower than 'Me' - makes me superior to 'them.'”
'They' become invisible as family.
The fleeing dove
Hides amongst the reeds
un felt Love
>--Power <--in its steed
A lust
a distraction
an empty waste
The broken stallion
with ropes choking him if he rebels from command
Stand down for a moment and you will see him rise again in his true glory
When spirit touches Him He is wild. He is free.