someone tries to mess with the lives of others
thinken "its gonna be sooo e z"
Thinken its in the bag -"man".
that ole 'in God we trust' the bribe
God is in the money they say in the back of their cortex.
They know nothing about the truth of the matter
only other peoples thoughts going through their heads
only programming
and they think that China has got it bad. We are on the brink
of the old model of Empire. Hitler.s words have been studied and synthesized
the psychopaths rule the day. My two cues of that fact are chemtrails and paperless
voting machines.
I have never met a soldier that I didn't like.
and that is the truth. something about their hearts and their courage
puts them a level above, but still I want to whisper, don't break your heart's law, Do what is right and merciful. You will be protected.