Hansen football player at Eastern Oregon
So, for me trying to ignore the big world and focus on my own energetics
has been like part of my energy is being smothered. Like a beach fire with sand and water thrown on top of it. Still hot deep down but don't know where to let the flame rise to.
My son, Forrest, still dizzy. gets nauseous when he moves his head. Under-sheriff
Zerby said that Deputy Gardner (who should have been taken off the case for screwing up the initial (when the kid punched Forrest) interview and for spreading (Mac's dispatch) rumors that Forrest had crashed on a bike (he had no scrapes and had an occipital fracture along with three breaks of his left orbital cavity) at the skate park) supposedly interviewed Hansen (the guy who punched Forrest) on Orcas Island a couple days ago. The Kid should have already been in Oregon because he goes to Western Oregon and plays football so I have to wonder who Gardner talked to? I can't help but classify Gardner as a liar- which pisses me off - big time. I hate that lying is the culture of law enforcement these days. Good golly- when I was a kid, we looked up to officers for their integrity.- Jacob Hansen admitted that he hit him but said it was because he felt threatened. The Prosecutors office has it now and is deciding what to do with it. Jacob Hansen had hit someone (LONDON) at the fair last year. I feel like I am constantly dodging trucks and U turn cars. I AM letting go of my fear which was lit and still is lingering in my left lower quadrant of my torso. I wake up with nightmares and want to sleep downstairs on the couch so I can hear if Forrest needs me. He put an end to that.

Chiron - the wounded healer is sparing with Jupiter in my chart.