Always always always I have this feeling of guilt - like I have done something wrong- or bad- and people won't believe me. It is nonsense. I am sloppy yes but I do not hurt people intentionally or lie intentionally. though yesterday I said I had lived here twenty years when it has been thirty not thinking when I answered but then I thought they would think I was lieing and started spinning about that. I TALKED With Charlie Silverman from the prosecutor's office I wish Silverman was the prosecutor. He thinks that Forrest should have left when Kristian was bantering-as Forrest probably used inappropriate slang with Silverman and probably said that they were "talking shit" to each other. Silverman is not going to charge Jacob Hansen. So I need to talk to the kid. ...
but back to Science or Mind (and Spirit)
So first I claim there is one God which is a Unified Field and that Infinite Field Permeates Everything. God Moved and became aware of itself. Created a system of unlimited creation.
All things are made of God, who allows for everything. Goodness Love Intelligence are divine aspects. We choose our alignment with spirit. We co create with the all that is when we allign.
Unlimited choices at the same time binary in the moment. Fear or Love. I am connected to spirit. Love is my nature. I choose to forgive myself and melt the guilt that has haunted me all of my life. I am a child of God. I am protected by God and his companions, who serve him. Freedom is Gods Nature. Freedom is my nature. Joy is my nature. I allow anybody else's thoughts or energy that I have mistakenly absorbed go. I am free. I am good. I am forgiven.
All pf the mountains of energy that has bound me are being released now. I say move, Mountains. All doubt is removed from this time-frame and all time-frames of my existences of my individualized self. All lies are removed from my field. I am One with God.