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Monday, December 3, 2018

Library of Alexandra

we are coming to a precipice. The clock ticks. We race off the cliff. We allow corruption to stand. This corruption swallows the world. We pretend that we are not lied to when we know we are being lied to. We do not speak when we see the corruption for fear of our head. We are heading off the cliff who will be safe they can pretend they are safe these people who have these plans but how could they be if there is Justice in this world. I guarantee that their weapons will be used against I guarantee this that they will not be happy the day they die. They will not find peace. We race off the cliff By ignoring the truth. The truth is not what we believe because what we believe is usually what we were told by someone else and then it adds and becomes like the truth but the truth is the truth. It's not a lie made to look like the truth. The truth is the truth it is not a lie. And we all know that we can see this if we look if we look with our single eye.