Its May 17th 2010
I gotta write about it
crazy as it seems
we are more in danger,as a country,
from a coalition of forces that are being manipulated by the power elite than we are from - say Iran. (but when we add thousands of angry orphans of murdered by war -they have to become a part of the plan).
I can feel it as I watch the airborne struggles.
flies in a dogfight
nobody sees it yet
not to the extent that it is happening on the energetic level
the whispers
the NRA shouts
the web of structures set in the past thirty years
all points to this day this hour this time
to figure it out
,,,,,,,,,,,before it explodes.
1.The local police forces in all municipalities have been armed to the hilt. Bargain prices.... Enough to cover the shipping
2.We are used to and unaware of being sprayed with aerosols (almost daily).
2aThey are the same power strain that supported the murder of Kurds in Iran and Iraq using aerosol spray.
3.The thousand points of Light.....the cameras are everywhere and a lot are in the hands of privatised companies....Jon Stewart's high pitched - finger checking off a list -voice says, “Blackmail”.
4.No or little mainstream true to - the facts – the facts – and only the facts- reporting. 'We the People' need the facts.
5.Congress has made laws restricting the rights of free speech because they have allowed the military, which is under their purse strings, to make their boys sign statements that say they cannot speak about that which they do. So the people ...we the people. End up. Fighting over lies.
5a. Congress bribed in a 'legal way' or punctured with fear.
6.There are cameras in almost every new computers and I guarantee the light doesn't always come on when the camera is on. And there are microphones in our cell phones.
7.Nineteen Eighty four is coming a little late. But in the scale of worlds, sun , stars , very little time.
8.People are easily marginalised....Like Karl Jung being called a Nazi. 'They' say he helped make Hitler....This is absurd but propaganda works when you are Hypnotised and betrayed by your own servants- your thoughts- consumed by the thoughts of others-.
9.Private Armies coming to a neighbourhood near you.
9 a. Oil spill(s) vulnerability Ya think? ship fuss puke
10.Chain linked fence with electricity.
12.Bankers bring us down
13.China-like control over the USA after they try to kill the free ones....
and then comes the sad part, it comes from the lie...each lie we learn to tell.
14.but we all can moon them and say....NaNananana naaa. Not this time!