third planet game
Pluto oh pluto by what other names do you go by other than that of the dog who laughs and acts like he is oblivious but isn't at all. Are you a stone? Hiding a story about a story about a story Lost to the winds of time out in the darkest of dark? How can I love you, who has been mine enemy since the beginnings of time? I want to slash and burn all that venum and poison that you have thrusted upon our world, this world this beautiful Earth. Do you hate her so much that you are willing to take her with you as you are summoned to Hell? I as a daughter, do know you. I stand with sword drawn and arrows at the ready. I call you. A tarry? is that the word for a truce? Shall we give him a second chance? I ask the people and they pause....they say no You must know what you have done. you must feel what you have done. We must feel it. because we have allowed it. and now the ultimate choice. this world Heaven or Hell?