Rented a moving Truck to do the major dump run as I ought to have done long ago. I lost the keys.
Hey I lost the mf keys. which increases the angst that was already in my belly below my heart.
I look at the brown sky which should be blue, but those blind bats and the chemical mix of the aerosol has turned the sky a worrisome brown gray. I look at my chart today and looky low a three planet party in the last of Aquarius, Mercury, Mars and Neptune all together conjunct and opposing my natal Pluto. Pluto who is almost conjunct Jupiter who sits in another sign so this major intense energy can be explained but hard to understand the depth of their meaning and the meeting of these planets who are like counselors who have to be listened to but speak a language that I am far from speaking. My Chart is a circle of planets all pointing to Mars in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio sitting on the cusp of the Forth house, exactly on the IC whatever that means and then the sun and Mercury over there in the eleventh house sitting on each others lap chatting with Uranus who is in Leo,Sun and Mercury are in 26 degree Cancer.
I am frustrated and verging on rage at myself. but then I think it might be the plan within a plan that I need to spiral back to behind my eyes and forgive myself for my mess ups. Lets just bag them up and dump 'em. Getting ready for the big dump might be the way to go. Have everything staged and ready to go,
Maybe I am lucky that Neptune is trine Neptune. Except I get the feeling that I am in the sea and diving into the depth looking for the answers only in the wrong spot.