Idjuts! the Military industrial complex is without wisdom, without vision and sees all thinking people as its enemy. The slithering ones
have to be stopped - their assets to be seized and they are imprisoned for drug running and intent for mass murder. I am thinking of the end of Avatar or even the last Harry Potter movie. It is within our grasp if not done sooner, the birthing pains will be all the greater but it is genetic: Human Beings are meant to be free and not slaves to the mentally ill,the psychopaths, who wish to rule the world and who have population elimination as their long-term goal. They wish to rule all aspects of life, they kill the wild. Its scares them so. They destroyed the Cedars of Lebanon, they have targeted all tribal peoples, the whales and dolphins are current targets of our military, and now they are after us in the 'new world' the next target. The sinking of America. What fun and the ducks in congress quack quack quack wringing their hands, bow to them. Where are the warriors when we need them? the new Democrats are as much the problem as the Republicans. I welcome wall street shorting the market next week, the economy going down might be the instigating force that wakes the country up. if I were in charge I would look at who is perched to short. They are in the know.