HCO2-> reaction h2o
There are grave dangers of the Pentagon being the shadow government's secret secret. The coalition of Corporate forces and military forces- which is a corporate force for defense of their installments. the prison industrial complex is a corporate force. Our government is overshadowed by greed, power and gluttony, Because so many of the oath takers are indeed oath breakers, shaking in their boots, like the Justice Department quivers like an abused child instead of taking the steps to close down the mob that runs the world. We are at the point, on the ledge so to speak. We have choices. A choice to stand and look at the truth and where we are at and then look to see our options for our future.
Who indeed is the enemy? or is it what is the enemy? Fear and the desire to be secure. That desire for security is endangering the future of our planet because under the bandage or 'national security' festers untold atrocities and heinous crimes. Our Justice department rewards the criminals and punishes the whistle-blowers. What does that say about our so called 'Justice Department', either Holder is a scared little boy, (being controlled by other scared little boys and girl) or he is (they are) complacent and is helping the ones who will take our nation down.
Who is running the world wide aerosol spraying program? Is it the Chinese? I get a lump in my stomach when I type that. Does that mean I am right or wrong? The neo-cons see our (the USA) role as the 'global police'. The Neo-cons are grafted off shoots from the Nazi line. They don't care if we are a fascist state as long as they get to rule. They don't care if swaths of our population are wiped out, it makes it easier for them (as they see it).
They have all their ducks in a row. It is ready now and the pressure is on. (I get the sense that hey have moved up the date ). They need distraction. Always remember how the magicians do it. Distract. Get every one looking over there when it is really sitting in the laps of the ones who should be warriors but are good little soldiers, programmed to obey.
What will you say to your loved ones as they are dying? sorry won't be enough. Is there a special place in hell for wimps?