Treatise to the Man Who Hisses...
"What is the most important quality in a friend?" He 'ducky dick' says "Honesty" Hand me a barf bag.
How did he live through the perpetration of treason? How did he get away with destroying all evidence in a fire on the United States Naval Observatory grounds at the end of his residence? who was involved in setting the fire? Has he always been alone? United States Naval Observatory.
I want a leader who stands in the golden ray and beams it to all.
Not someone who baa baa bends to the words being handed to him.
"People of good will?" what does that mean? excuse me- ALL PEOPLE and not some definition decreed by the sniveling ones who stand behind the curtain with their puppet strings and who should long be in the grave but who will live forever in the perpetration of fear that encapsulates our freedom of spirit into its own perversity and assumed authority. -see I write to me. no one else could understand this in this mode How do I translate and trim?-
. dopey reporter doesn't know how harmful to his cellular structure. oops or is he pretending to be hit with a ray gun? hmmm swallow this one.
Empire Decrees that our leaders lie and are lied to
and quacks Sniveling duck. quack quack (sorry ducks for the analogy and insult)