Please give me time to cover my ears
There now talk all you want la la la la la’ main stream
Stripped of their power to conquer the stars, the planets ,and the chatter in space because we remember now- almost to late-that we were stripped naked and bare, stumbling with lies filling our every aspect Hansel and Gretel left alone to find the way back to the temple. Broken strands of rainbow lead us to turn to drop to our knees to receive what is real.
‘THEY’ tremble at the thought and still lurk and plot with smiles on their faces and crossed fingers and knives behind their backs. Their aim is off, they now stumble and weep.
‘THEY’ are most dangerous as old men because this is their chance of ultimate control- the destruction of all life on this planet.
Dire times require much joy and laughter. They are weak ole farts.