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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am Sorry

Thom Hartmann (KPTK 1090 ,Seattle) is talking about people who accuse others of being anti American or traitors and the like as being way out of line., It kind of feels like he's slapping me around over my comment below- not that he read it- but on a cosmic level I feel chastised...... well , I do believe that stealing our votes is an act against the USA and therefore is anti- American and traitorous – not in a leagal 'kill-em' sense - but I do feel that the use of the word filthy, was out of line.....I am sorry, I just get a little tired of it and when I am tired , my anger rises faster than when I am awake and feeling good about things.

The sun is out. No signs of Chem Trails and though I am tired, I am feeling good and hopeful.
We have a close Govenors race and Secretary of State iup for election. I don't think that they could get away with stealing Washington for McCain. we are on the 'Left coast' after-all.

I keep thinking about that song 'I'd like to teach the world to sing..." then coke a cola got a hold of it.... Id like to buy the world a coke.....that makes me think about governmental drug running.....
This is a free write.....we are not supposed to know or talk about certain things....because we will then be counted as Conspiracy Theorists....and that is un-American.