this is the way it floats
life is like a dream
at a moment created by the ones who seek searing power
they they they we we we let them force us to comply
nuclear bombs tectonic weaponry killing the underlings
makes them feel virile and stiff. They like sending the young men to die
genetic culling
end the competition
they know they are the poison
they know we are the cure
They strain and knash their teeth
insincere sly smiles no warmth of heart
Lies ooze from every pore
they are a sad lot who deny their sadness their human warmth
what we should do with them I do not know
I wince at the pain they -we-have caused through the ages as we are told what to think and feel and know in our hearts
we go along because we fear retribution when in the end if we fail to look and really see what our complicity is doing, we are doomed All creation has the breath of God and if we don't allow that breath to guide our way and instead let fear be our guide, we flinch and quake in a frozen stunned numb state victim
So at any moment
we could be under martial Law and that would kick in the Continuity of Governance
Where the President is no longer in charge and we have regional fiefdoms where who knows what will happen. My guess is the Internet freedom will be the first to go
People like me will be rounded up and drug lobotomy like the state 2 0 percent of the population is in already. Drugged on TV and Pharma ideas sown....whoop y they'll believe what ever is dictated to them, the potential brown shirts.
Yippy doesn't that sound like fun! Not really and not necessary
courage to look
has to prevail
to look with unflinching eyes at what has happened to our nation
{WTO is one place to look
“permanent agreements” agreements that supersede the law of a sovereign nation}
every city in this nation is under the threat of the game of buck shot spray
layer upon layer of network cells
that don't know what they do
they do what they are told
robotic tone
assassination has been a standard fear tactic
they forgot to read the rules
Castro could tell you
he is protected by his people and their dreams
Obama could walk safely through the minefields set for him
if the people were asked to dream a new world
to see it
springing from a welling heart.
I am adding this Oct. 20, 2010 as the election heats up and as a statement of allegiance to the vp at this time and as a prayer for this country -The United States of America.