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Sunday, February 21, 2010

leviticus cus cus cus

Fuck! I am so sick of... , I am so mad at... Fuck Fuck Fuck
I watched five minutes of Face the Nation (3/2/10 correction it was 'meet the press' and not 'Face the Nation'- oops} with the cartoon proportion,big faced commentator and his weaselly questions to allow for the self righteous fuck head of the Governor from Minnesota to get the swill of his talking point out. I still want to puke on that guy's lap. I am not feeling it today. I feel rage and anger and I want to shake these people and swear in their face. but Swearing is Bad. Gays are bad. ( and no, I am not gay, I do love rainbows though) Their mission, which is seeming to work, is to privatize all government and break the nation they do this under the Christian banner. My study of the bible, shows a Christ that cares about the poor. These self proclaimed Christians take pride in ripping off the poor because they think that if they have money and power, it shows that God Loves them {or something?} I don't know where in the New Testament they get that Christ gives a shit if people are gay or not. Look at Paul running after all the men to circumcise. Leviticus has a lot about gay sex, animal sex, incest but the same punishment is met for all sex other than with your tribe -not your close blood = as is for disobeying your parent. How many "Christians" want to be put to death for ignoring their parent's wishes>? I want to ask have you ever eaten pork?. Shellfish? HOw about worked on the Sabath? fuck shit piss!
Christians without Love for their fellow man are not Christians. Period. End of story. They are the ones who worship with their mouths but whose hearts are realms away from Christ.

I just realised what I am really mad about. I am really mad about the loss of Wellstone = the Minnesota Senator who cared -
And now I only want to cry
History without light of day repeats itself until we see/ yea. sure. you bet cha