I thought Greg was about to bite the big one
make the great leap climb the mountain fly away
fifteen inches is a lotta inches to be down
his breathing was seizing up when he moved
then he was having a hard time moving at all
cold sweat like he had gotten out of a tub
I thought he was sailing
He ask me what I thought
and I said a miracle was needed or good bye
in an almost trance state he said he couldn't die he had too much to do
At a cross roads he had to ask for help.
He took himself off of Dilaudid. Problem solved. At least the breathing and he's getting his strength back. Sometimes we are asked to "cry Uncle"
sometimes it feels like a predator is at the door
sometimes its a fairy with a flute

Pontine nuclei
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Brain: Pontine nuclei
Latin nuclei pontis
Gray's subject #187 786
NeuroNames hier-613
The pontine nuclei are a part of the pons which store the memory of intention during motor activity. Corticopontine fibres carry information from the primary motor cortex to the ipsilateral pontine nucleus in the ventral pons, and the pontocerebellar projection then carries that information to the contralateral cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle.
They therefore allow modification of actions in the light of their outcome, or error correction, and are hence important in learning motor skills.