THE mainstream MEDIA
So we know for a fact that during the early days of Saddam Husein my country -this country - sold and gave mf weapons like saran gas to Iraq, to kill his problems with. Rumsfeld knew. They all knew - except old clown. And Saddam Hussein used it and the inner Nazis got all exited they jizzed all over the place.
We all know that they brought coke and crack into the inner cities to jump start the prison industrial complex. We know this country has a bad case of complexes with no over-site whatsoever. Wow. the crumbles-the dream the 'no you can't do that anymore!' is starting to roar and will be heard by you who create a world of poison and lies{in your world of torture and Fear. How decrepit you seem. still allowed to wave to our flag. Our flag is filthy and torn. Allowed to overlay suffering onto us all. Allowed to feast on the ruins, that you who perpetuate the lie when you know its a lie - create.