The US Constitution- First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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Sunday, August 31, 2014
what blogger wouldn'e allow to post
Search Doomsday Pacific Rim Youtube or cop this
I call to arms those who know the damage that has been done
I pound on the Earth, calling all beauty that was meant to be but hasn’t
Been seen first seen first seen first
I pound in the rhythm of the wild, the free, the beauty of creation
I stand and call the Truth to be present in all of these things
In studying cell related activity related to the word PERP I found many things that are interesting when translate to a method of suppression using methyl (I think 3) thus suppressing the immune response in a healthy and life giving manner., translated to the fascist plan, translated to how the ‘they’ have planned to suppress large human populations. That’s what I read itoday.
and here what I find when I search HI PERP in reguards to what a man named Robin calls the NEOCONS.
So is anyone keeping track of who buys this stuff?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Yesterday's discovery
Arthur M. Young excerpts
Let us simply note one thing: that there is only one exception to the exclusion of purpose from science, and this exception is light, which these several scientists have seen fit to regard as having a purposive behavior. Let us also note that the purposiveness is associated with that aspect of light known as the principle of action (or least action).
Importance of Planck's Discovery
That Action Comes in Wholes
What did Planck add to this principle of action that was not already present in the ideas of Leibniz? It was the notion that action comes in quanta or wholes, and that this unit is constant. Note that despite the tendency to refer to energy as quantized — a habit which even good physicists are given to — it is not energy but action that comes in wholes.
And here is what blew my mind into awe
But where does this energy (for the skater) come from? It is produced by the skater in pulling in his arms against centrifugal force — and would be greater if the skater held weights in his hands. Of course, with the skater there is a limit to the rate of spin or the energy he can store in this way because he can pull his arms in only so far — but the photon, having no bulk, can shrink any amount. It follows that a single photon can store unlimited energy by getting smaller!
This is one of the most surprising findings of quantum physics — that the smaller the photon, the more energy it contains. It is a reminder of the great difference between the world of light and the world of matter.
World of light
No time, space, charge, or mass.
Energy increases as size (wavelength) is reduced.
Constant velocity; no rest.
World of matter
Time, space, charge and mass.
Energy (mass) decreases as size is reduced.
Any velocity less than the speed of light.
Arthur M. Young excerpts
An ordinary object can be thought of as a carrier of momentum, or energy, which it can impart to another object. A hammer striking a nail exerts a force which drives the nail; a bowling ball conveys energy which knocks over the pins. In both cases, the hammer and the bowling ball remain after the work is done. With light, however, its transport of energy from one point to another leaves no residue. Light is pure action, unattached to any object, like the smile without the cat.
This light energy is everywhere, filling the room, filling all space, connecting everything with everything else. It includes much more than the light we see by, for all exchange of energy between atoms and molecules is some form of what used to be called electromagnetic energy, which extends over a vast spectrum and would be better named interaction. Visible light covers just one octave in that spectrum.
Let us simply note one thing: that there is only one exception to the exclusion of purpose from science, and this exception is light, which these several scientists have seen fit to regard as having a purposive behavior. Let us also note that the purposiveness is associated with that aspect of light known as the principle of action (or least action).
Importance of Planck's Discovery
That Action Comes in Wholes
What did Planck add to this principle of action that was not already present in the ideas of Leibniz? It was the notion that action comes in quanta or wholes, and that this unit is constant. Note that despite the tendency to refer to energy as quantized — a habit which even good physicists are given to — it is not energy but action that comes in wholes.
And here is what blew my mind into awe
But where does this energy (for the skater) come from? It is produced by the skater in pulling in his arms against centrifugal force — and would be greater if the skater held weights in his hands. Of course, with the skater there is a limit to the rate of spin or the energy he can store in this way because he can pull his arms in only so far — but the photon, having no bulk, can shrink any amount. It follows that a single photon can store unlimited energy by getting smaller!
This is one of the most surprising findings of quantum physics — that the smaller the photon, the more energy it contains. It is a reminder of the great difference between the world of light and the world of matter.
World of light
No time, space, charge, or mass.
Energy increases as size (wavelength) is reduced.
Constant velocity; no rest.
World of matter
Time, space, charge and mass.
Energy (mass) decreases as size is reduced.
Any velocity less than the speed of light.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
In the Book of Proverbs 6:16-19, among the verses traditionally associated with King Solomon, it states that the Lord specifically regards "six things the Lord hateth, and seven that are an abomination unto Him", namely:[4]
A proud look
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plots
Feet that are swift to run into mischief
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Him that soweth discord among brethren
Monday, August 25, 2014
meditation brought a vision
I know to those of you who are are stuck in the thick energy
this will sound insane but when I tune into the Earth's magnetosphere it seems like there is nothing in the south hemisphere and seems fragile like any more zaps and we will get the shift sooner rather than later. Won't the grey men be surprised. It might be time to shake us up before we destroy the life support system of Earth.
Later that day...10:19 am I am doing research and find this ....
My take is this guy is off track but points out the real threat' the people who are trying to be god and follow the bible thinking this is what god wants. I say poof be gone from influence, Satan. the guy likes to draw, it looks like... funny but he seems to be a spokesman of sorts... Mars meets Saturn there is hardly time to spare....
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Twelfth Night
Last night, a beautiful night, the play was enchanting, the bug spray was neanderthal. The women with the family in front of me sprayed her husband in the face with 'OFF' and they both laughed. I was aghast and couldn't sit and smell the poison. I then am eating and a man sees someone across the aisle had bug spray. He asked to borrow it and starts to spray it in the midst of the crowd before I think I yell 'Step away, I'm eating' I repeated it. He looked confused. Someone took a picture of me and showed it to me, I was scowling. How much do I scowl?
The bugs were only fairy folk, a part of the setting for the play. They weren't mosquitoes. I was happy to see them.
these days there is talk about the danger of birds and migrations and mosquitoes and an attempt to whip us into a energetic sphere of jagged fear of life and the wild. There is intention, by some warped minds, to kill the wild in order to keep us 'safe' What life would there be on this planet without the wild wings that fly about us? To me, it would be Hell. Not the future I long for.
We don't yet know the power of our thinking. We are kept on the brink of doom by our minds, at all times. How do we reprogram the collective within and without from mental disaster?
Within without, yesterdays words
that part of me that from fear and lack of love eats the power of others
while wasting its own true power
I want to say clearing my throat, loudly:
Uranus, sweet wild child, has custody today My finger scratched the blackboard for fun
flashes of fire, can't help that
helping me to understand that p lay is the only way out of the brink of disaster that awaits us if we let them bring us down. today
Echos of what is good and what is great about humanity
I need to track that enemy that is within me and give it food and shelter and love
tender child it is
My Neighbor () across the street has a big (supposive) American flag that has- what looks like- I haven't counted- thirteen stars. Kind of creeps me out- is what I am saying. I come back to COG or now called Continuity of Operations or 'COOP', secret with no judicial or governmental oversight(pretty doggie, nice doggy) Secret- dog gone it- but it plans on the breaking up into sections these here United States and if we did allow them to continue spraying proprietary and secret chemical formulas over our heads, we wouldn't notice anything because we would be too sick and tired from chemical and heavy meta
l overload to notice. Oh well, don't look at that, it'll bring you down, that's for sure. What happy thoughts can I think on the brink of doom? Travel and Joy and Love, baby, Love. Echos of what is good and what is great about humanity and what is beautiful and heroic that creates safety with courage, vision and joy.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
When I know that Monsanto is heavily involved with the weather modification 'research' formulas, I worry.
When I hear a tenured Professor (who is in the media spotlight) say "nuclear meltdown, no problem, the ocean is so big," I freak.
To this same Professor, who, on cue, ranted about those of us who witness 'chem trails' as paranoid and who denied that chem trails have anything to do with weather modification, when his department at the UW is heavily involved in weather modification 'research', I want to say, oh mouthpiece of Satan, may you look in the mirror and see an egotistic buffoon who will be cast into the nice warm recycle center, located, I hope, in the bowels of the Earth, which you blatantly destroy with your words and miscalculations. (to clarify: In the place where you are aimed (though the concept obviously is not a consideration of your thoughts that form without heart) "There will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth.)"
Sunday, August 3, 2014
When Scientists, Politicians, and employees of the government, have gags upon them, then our right to be an informed population is thwarted. Our Constitution is in tatters because of the influence of commerce on people in places of power. Their security lies in balance because of threats to their livelihood and often threats to their lives (an undercover fear, because of the success of assassinations in the history of this nation by a shadow whose intent is power over using money as its means to gain power over the world and its governance). These few of the shadow, are pathologically injured souls, who have been allowed to weld power because they attract as minions people who require security. People want to be good but are programmed not to see and then are placed in places of influence and power.
Pluto dear Pluto can be taken back from the shadow only by Light and Love and Connection to the whole. We are at risk as a nation, and as a living planet because it is easy to program the masses using the media and education. The hierarchy is trained into us. As spirit, there is no hierarchy. We all weld power using our imaginations. Imagination is trained out of us as a whole by the school and economic system.
We are poisoned with vaccines, and additives to food,drugs,water and our teeth. The air now contains weather modification formulas that we did not give permission to. It is a trillion dollar business and this sightless experiment of controlling nature poisons all aspects of what sustains life on this planet;air,water,soil and the ionosphere. These weather modification formulas are insidious.
We waste our lives power thinking other people's thoughts. Denial is the dam of not seeing the truth of our own soul's response to going in the wrong direction. Resistance serves to stick the exact replica of what we don't want to our lives.
The masses, have been trained to resist and not to look and not to see.
Undigested, any wound becomes a program access point.
I look at someone like Cliff Mass, sellout to empire, and see wounds that he is protecting. I see how his funding comes from NASA (who has secret 'customers')and NOAA ( infiltrated by DARPA), have effected you. Are you prepared for the c
lass action lawsuits that will sue the UW, when people discover what you guys of your department have done via lack of scientific depth of your thinking and your complicity and propaganda?
If you look at the ocean like it is a living being, there are some parts of a body that are more important to its homeostasis than others. Like the heart and lungs are vital to the maintenance of a humans life. You say that the ocean is so big, like your body is so much bigger than your tinsty pineal gland, but how important is this gland to consciousness? How important are the Japanese Islands to our oceans homeostasis? You, my friend, cannot answer this with anything but blind speculation. I am appalled and dismayed by your ignorance to the whole.
The secrecy of the weather modification research is the crux of my opposition to it. The formulas are not open to the publics scrutiny and it is being done without our permission and the cumulative effects could kill the wild. I see less birds and bugs this year. I see and feel the metallic sheen of the air.
Murders of whole populations could be inflicted intentionally; there are no controls because of the secrecy. It is not benign and beneficial as you would have it be. You are blinded by your own security issues. You are blinded by too much mercury, (or surface information).
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