whistle blowers unite and join your tumbling evidence, lots to do but don't know what or how, my fear is taking over my thinking, my anger and rage at the possibility of how unwise these monsters are. They are monsters, even if that is a classic form of de-humanization so that we will aim to kill the other, 'the bad guys'
Grief is up too. this poor Earth and her peoples and plants and animals, because treachery has been allowed to grow and fester without any slap down - take the toys away. Our country, is on the verge of collapse economically. because thats what they do to consolidate the wealth even more. Not rocket science. I am so angry and sad. I want to see true Justice. Real Lessons for these NeoCons - who want to be done with "we the people" stop the rouse they might say.
Corporate suppression of free energy, localized energy- the children have it encoded.They know (better give them some fluoride, eh?). these bad guys are a dieing breed and they just want to take everything down as they go. Bad. sick Possessed men and women. Programmed to Obey.