"They didn't even make an attempt to hide", Astrid thought to herself. " Wow", They reminded her of herself. "We all could lose a few pounds. I've got to stop seeing them. Ignore them and maybe they will go away." She keeps hoping that, but it is so in your face obvious, "Fuck it" she has to play. It kind of has become her entertainment. It could be good 'ole paranoia even if its just an awareness of patterns of energy. She has to go to her rock and think about it.
She punches the time-clock, hangs up her apron, grabs her purse and turns back to the deli section of the grocery where she works, to grab some food and heads to the beach. A private beach that usually was deserted. To the rock-her rock. It jetted out of the sand about forty feet. It was mostly a relaxed incline to get to its top where there was a hollow where Astrid would perch for hours watching the rolling waves, publicans and usually seagulls, crying in the distance, The place where she felt whole and un-defective. 'The Rock' -where she went whenever a great emotion was inching its way into her awareness. Where she could sort the strands of energy that she felt. A place of certainty and clarity for her. -
. She climbed the way to the top. The gull she called Seemore was there to greet her (at least she thought it was Seemore). She wasn't hungry yet and needed to think, She didn't break open the picnic.
"First the Laundromat- Then the store and then the bank. Why? Its ridiculous. Why? How much money would be being spent? Unless they were volunteers or was it the endless supply of black op funding with drug runs on the side?"
Definitely someone knew that she was a seer with an eye on their ball. Their secret ball.
So they sent their ignorant minions out to pose.
Astrid thought, "There are no accidents" "I can pose too."
April tenth twothousandeleven so the people who I haven't mentioned zena's mom w/ clutch
who watched me get milk ;last night in co-op. and her partner agent wannabe joseph and bigstore bosses and swanson man assuming men and of coarse Bill who started it. whose callen me paranoid besides me? it is a little funny. JFC, are we an outpost of something big? wtf.