on mike malloy tonight: U.S. sorry for Guatemala syphilis experiment -
link in title Some where
I am adding this as another experiment that could kill life as we know it:A list of Weather Modification Corporate Roster - http://www.weathermodification.org/corporate_roster.htm
from the Weather Modification Association
Advanced Radar Corporation
Attn: Roelof T. Bruintjes
P.O. Box 19225
Boulder, CO 80308
3300 Airport Rd., Hgr.B4
Boulder, CO
Ph: 720-565-0300 / Fax: 720-565-0400
E-m: sales@advancedradarcorp.com
Aero Systems, Inc.
Attn: Sharon Carley
2580 South Main St .
Erie, CO 80516
Ph: 303-665-9321
E-m: aerosys@aol.com
Aerotec Argentina, S.A
Attn: Diego M. Cardama
Comandante Torres 100
Aer. Aerotec
Rivadavia, Mendoza,
Ph: 54 262 344 3212 / Fax: 43 262 344 4967
E-m: info@aerotec-Argentina.com.ar
AeroToba, SRL
Attn: Mr.Carlos A. Antonietti
Besares 1365
Chacras de Coria
Mendoza, 5505
Ph: 54-261-4961005
Fax: 54-261-4965149
E-m: info@aerotoba.com.ar
Colorado Water Conservation Board
Attn: Joe Busto,
Weather Modification Permits
1313 Sherman St. , Rm. 721
Denver, CO 80203
Ph: 303-866-4807/Fax: 303-866-4474
E-m: joe.busto@state.co.us
Deepwater Chemicals, Inc.
Attn: Pamela S. Clem, Acct. Mgr.
1210 Airpark Rd.
Woodward, OK 73801
Ph: 1-800-854-4064
E-m: psclem@deepwaterchemicals.com
Direccion de Agricultura y
Contingencias Climaticas
Attn: Eduardo Oscar Martin
Boulogne Sur Mer 3050
Mendoza 5500
Ph: 054 2614299013 / Fax: 054 2614299013
E-m: eomartin@mendoza.gov.ar
Droplet Measurement Technologies
Attn: Darrel Baumgardner
2545 Central Ave.
Boulder, CO 80301
Ph: 303-440-5576 / Fax: 303-440-1950
E-m: darrel@dropletmeasurement.com
Dynamic Aviation Group, Inc.
Attn: David P. Hoyt, Vice President
P.O. Box 7
1402 Airport Rd.
Bridgewater, VA 22812
Ph: 540-828-6070 / Fax: 540-828-4031
General Aviation Applications S.A. "3D"
Attn: Dimitrios Skepastianos
2, Skiathou Str.
546 46, Thessalonica, GREECE
Ph: +302310413454; +302310413585
Fax: +302310413405
E-m: info@3dsa.gr
Web site: www.3dsa/gr
Hydro Tasmania
Attn: Christina Nebel
GPO Box 355
Hobart, Tasmania
Ph: +61 (0) 3-6230 5141
Fax: +61 (0) 3-6230 5802
E-m: alex.nazarov@hydro.com.au
E-m: christina.nebel@hydro.com.au
Ice Crystal Engineering, LLC
Attn: Jim P. Gunkelman
5074 165th St. SE
Kindred, ND 58051
Ph: 701-428-9882/fax: 701-428-9884
E-m: jim@iceflares.com
Idaho Power Company
Attn: Shaun Parkinson
P O Box 70 - CHQ-4
Boise, ID 83707
Ph: 208-388-2495/fax: 208-388-6495
E-m: SParkinson@idahopower.com
Attn: Gregory T. Marx
4180 Watson Way
FL 2830 Technical Library
WPAFB, OH 45433
Ph: 937-257-3532/FAX: 937-257-0122
E-m: gregory.marx@wpafb.af.mil
North American Weather Consultants
Attn: Don Griffith
8180 South Highland Dr. , Ste. B-2
Sandy, UT 84093
Ph: 801-942-9005/fax: 801-942-9007
E-m: nawc@nawcinc.com
North Dakota Atmospheric Res. Brd.
Attn: Darin Langerud, Director
900 East Blvd. Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505
Ph: 701-328-2788/fax: 701-328-4749
E-m: dlangerud@state.nd.us
Omni International, LLC
Attn: Tom Papachristou
534 Apperson Cove
Marion, AR 72364
Ph: 901-378-4200/Fax 870-739-1968
E-m tompapachristou@yahoo.com
Panhandle Groundwater Cons. Dist.
Attn: C.E. Williams
P O Box 637
White Deer, TX 79097
Ph: 806-883-2501/Fax: 806-883-2162
E-m: cew@pgcd.us
Radiometrics Corporation
Attn: Fredrick Solheim
2840 Wilderness Place, Unit F
Boulder, CO 80302-5414
E-m: Solheim@radiometrics.co
RHS Consulting, Ltd
Attn: Richard H. Stone
P O Box 61201
Reno, NV 89506
Ph: 775-385-9800 / Fax: 775-358-9803
E-m: rhs_consulting@sbcglobal.net
Sacramento Municipal Util Dist.
Attn: Dudley McFadden
6201 S. St. (Mail Stop B-355)
Sacramento, CA 95817-1899
Ph: 916-732-5953 / Fax:916-732-6563
E-m: dmcfadd@smud.org
Santa Barbara County Water Agency
Attn: Dennis Gibbs, Mgr.
123 East Anapamu St .
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Ph: 805-568-3543/Fax: 805-568-3434
E-m: dgibbs@cosbpw.net
Snowy Hydro Limited
Attn: John Denholm
P O Box 332
Ph: +612-6453-2470/Fax: +612-6453-2008
Em: John.Denholm@snowyhydro.com.au
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
Attn: Brian M. McGurty
300 Lone Hill Ave.
San Dimas, CA 91773
Ph: 909-394-8718/FAX: 909-394-8967
E-m: Brian.McGurty@SCE.com
"SOAR" - Seeding Operations & Atmospheric Research
Attn: Gary Walker (CO)
P O Box 130
Plains, TX 79355
Ph: 806-456-2027/FAX: 806-456-5655
E-m: glw@just-clouds.com
Website: http://www.just-clouds.com
Texas Weather Modification Association
Attn: Tommy Shearrer
8696 Hangar Rd.
San Angelo, TX 76904
Ph: 830-570-7090 / FAX: 830-569-2766
E-m: tdshearrer@aol.com
Website: http://www.texasweathermodification.com
Universidad Technologina
National-Facultad Regional Mendoza
Attn: Eduardo Balasch
Rodriguez No. 273 (5500)
Mendoza, Argentina
Ph: 0054-0261-5244506/5244500 / FAX: 0054-0261-5244531
E-m: decano@frm.utn.edu.ar
Utah Div. of Water Resources
Attn: David B. Cole, P.E.
1594 W. No. Temple, Ste. 310
Box 146201
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6201
Ph: 801-538-7269/Fax: 801-538-7279
E-m: DaveCole@utah.gov
Vaisala Oyj
Attn: Mr. Heikki Pohjola
Vanha Nurmijarventie 21
01670 Vantaa
Ph: +358 40 7331381
E-m: heikki.pohjola@vaisala.com
Weather Modification, Inc.
Attn: Patrick H. Sweeney
3802 20th Street North
Fargo, ND 58102
Ph: 701-235-5500/fax: 701-235-9717
Website: http://www.weathermod.com
E-m: Pat@weathermod.com
West Texas Weather Modification Assn.
Attn: Craig Funke
8696 Hangar Road
San Angelo, TX 76904
Ph: 325-949-1950/Fax: 325-223-1415
E-m: cfunke@wtwma.com
Western Kansas Grndwater Dist 1
Attn: Dave Brenn
Box 604
Scott City, KS 67871
Ph: 620-872-5563
E-m: wkgmd1@wbsnet.org
Western Weather Consultants, LLC
Attn: Larry Hjermstad
P O Box 58
Durango, CO 81302
Ph: 970-247-8813/Fax: 970-247-8813
E-m: larry@westernweather.com
E-m: mike@weathernweather.com
E-m: wweather@westernweather.com
Wyoming Water Development
Attn: Barry B. Lawrence
6920 Yellowtail Road
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Ph: 307-777-7626/Fax: 307-777-6819
E-m: blawre@state.wy.us
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