So he looks like a pig.
King maker -Queen Maker - on the dole for you?
Protecting unforgivable acts of theft. Making you afraid of "them" (esp. brown people and fags) is his favourite meathod of mind control.
Protecting the Corporate Masters- who really want to rule the world which means all the world which means keeping you stupid, muddled and confused. So what if they are spraying poison on you. "Its safe." - so what if they are actually tweaking the weather to see what they can do - it won't kill you (at least not right away).
What is evil?
It is the absence of empathy. A cold metallic heart that knows no Love only abject power over. Destruction is its ecstasy and gives evil unabashed glee.
jANUARY 15, 2011 I CANT FIND MY 'BLOOD LIBEL' NOTES. AND DON'T WANT TO SIFT THROUGH THE BLOG. THIS WILL BE MOVED TO IT WHEN i STUMBLE ACROSS tHEM. the Illuminati has used blood libel throughout history. One might even call war 'blood Libel'. but I woke up this morning remembering the Columbia space shuttle's tragedy. I remember thinking , this was intentional. Set up. It was pretty obvious because days worth of media coverage was available withing minutes. 'Blood Libel' before the War. Sarah if you want to talk blood libel, be careful because with their ethios you could be their perfect sacrifice. they always have duel motives 'don't ya know' They take care of 'a problem' with the sacrifice. I am not saying that the illuminati then cook with the blood. but I wouldn't put a little sip past their sick lips.