Our ballots, are they secure? No. They are not. Pre marked replacement ballots - where would they be? Going Postal - Who would be picking them up? Husbands, landlords, any one with a poker face or lackeys doing their job delivering things,postal recruits being paid in cash, Or in some municipalities they could have their own printers hidden and water-mark random ways to mark a ballot. Lots of money being thrown around. lots of chicanery For ten years the democrats have done nothing. NOthing about securing our democracy. HAVA hurt it.
bate and switch. I guess Humpty must fall. And we will fall with the Republicans at the helm and the wimpy ass democrats will be whining like little unhappy babies, We need some toddlers. Please.
I feel a tantrum coming on. "oh we got to hide it from the American People.",said with wringing hankies...."Oh no they can't know the truth." Our myth, is real, we are good, but in ignorance we will continue to go down and will meet our fate as the graveyard for Empires stands solidly independent. We must have TRUTH. Always hiding.hiding hiding, It is BS
I know I am here because I am meant to be. but it still feels like crap. The collective is what I am tuning in to and it feels like bees, Colbert is right , it is like bees coming at you,it really is. I need somehow to find my centre My strength, my resolve to help as much as I can. but I feel like fleeing...run away...only with this country a falling giant will create a lot of radioactive dust in the world. So what choice do I have -but to stand in the elements while the dead who succeeded in birthing a vision, stand whispering in our Ears. That is our destiny - but many choose smallness and lies.
It was sad watching papa and baby bush throw the opening pitch in Texas tonight maybe it will serve as a reminder, Papa looks so innocent. How long has he worked on that façade?
Maybe in a sad way we all are innocent and we all are guilty. So lets get over it and be kind and Use our creativity and vision to birth a true world. One where we know each other as brothers and sisters and stewards of this priceless planet. My heart breaks.