Reality- What I believe?
If we remain small- limited to this body this place this time with no declaration of the limits of our senses, when we only believe our perceptions. That there is nothing else but what we can quantify, we miss the opportunity of the expansive life of who and what we really are. We become drones for our masters. Or we become masters of drones but either is temporal and hard. Effort is required to live and thrive. the expression of the second law of thermodynamics- which states that without input of energy everything breaks apart - chaos ensues. [I don't like the way I am writing to intellectual sounding. How do I write this? ]
Getting back to what I believe....I believe that each and everyone of us are sparks of the Divine. Gods eyes and ears, lips. and thumbs. Jesus, in costume. We've been in prison. We've been taught things backwards so we don't get big. Why? I don't know why >except THAT the ones who have been in charge are asscarred of us discovering our divinity. They want our thoughts and our hearts to be caught in mazes of contradicting beliefs. One belief is that-our bodies are our enemies and someday our bodies will betray us. The truth is that-+ our bodies are our loving servants whose joy it is to serve us. We've been lied to but they are passed down lies gotta move on. "Don't look there oh no that's a sin - you'll die and go ta Hael if you argue with me- I mean GOD" Our minds, our thinking , our emotions have been toys of our cosmic masters -not God but energies which are disguised as God.
The lies have been exposed. Now we get to chose. Either we accept responsibility for creating from our thinking or we let the liars rule and at its unmerciful alter- we create Hell on Earth. Or we answer the Invitation to be free- with Love as our rudder, we sail with wings and are not limited. But this is just theory and the little voice is right..?.Physician heal thyself..."
I am full of rage still. Then I have been studying Astrology and my chart this year. and yes there is rage sitting in a Pisces sea, the underworld like a hobby to look at. A story of a girl with an ancient bobble...and thinks its her toy.