The facets for it has been primed
It feels like THE 2000 election. When I kept going back to sleep hoping that it was a bad dream and that I would wake up in a parallel Universe or something.
The radio is making me crazy. I have to stop listening to it .. I'll watch the Jon Stewart / Obama Interview that right wing callers (probably getting paid) call and whine, pretending to be liberals but when the host asks a few questions their guise becomes Halloweenish. Creepy and scary.
All I want to do is kick someone in the Texas Oysters and swear. I am working on not swearing. It is so ineffective...but I love to swear. Brings me back to my youth, when having three brothers and four step brothers I learned to let 'er rip. Its in my hard drive.
THE reckless belief in the polls/ wuss bucket saying "when the gop takes over..." .. they better play nice. Why is he the Senate Leader?
I cant stand to listen but it seems important and Randi Rhodes voice is going off in my head. I'll take the week-end off. Easy I am busy and need to laugh
waaaaa I am whining. .
If this country is that stupid... what will happen? south America sounds good.