Clearly it is the Merchants of the Earth that are set to implement 'Phase 1' as the only way that they feel they can control us is to destroy us. How? Well the way that I am made to see is using chemicals to poison us. First get us used to artificial clouds and then say that it would be dangerous to stop it. We the People are in the sights of the Authorities. They want to kill us. They don't know that they are being suicidal. The way I feel today is "off with their heads" especially the Corporate multi headed demons that have knowingly clouded the sun and its warmth today. I would if I could send them to Hell before they make our planet pure Hell for the common man. The Psychopathic future cold steel in our waters, air and land. NO natural trees. No air to breath. Is this what our military is today? I ask for protection and I get circles on my back.