Free/ am I free? which thoughts wounds windings are mine? Where is that illusive idea. the one that will collate all the other thoughts? I know its like dominoes cascading in a pattern of beauty or a heap of rubble. its only been three minutes..... would any one person know what I mean when I say that fear divides us from God spirit (whatever you call that which came out of the void to explode in flowers and rain beauty of the water fall the wonder and excitement that was in our eyes before the takeover of our minds. I let my editor come in and now I have nothing to say and seven minutes to say it. I pause. TV It is insanity when shit is not allowed but someone in a cartoon can blow a babies head off. that is insane. It is insane that they do sky poisoning day in and out and most people don't even notice a thing. That is queer. We live in a time when privatization and WTO is the rule of law. Nobody has openly said that we are in the midst of a purposeful attack on all free people and animals and plants; that is my conclusion. It is sad what a foul society we have become because we have abdicated our responsibility to the Authorities many of who are power freaks who want to bash heads in. they are infected with the beast and they call themselves good Christians so people will follow.... while sun worshipers are put into the same group as the Luciferians/ Illuminati....Divide and be hopeless alex j. I think you are a show.