I am staring at a dead honey bee on a flower, I picked the dandilion flower when I saw the bee. I write the following with the courage given to me by this bee. For every bee, every living thing I write will someday write about this bee our air and theories on why most people don't see persistent contrails for now I close my eyes and listen....
Sometimes nobody wants to see. To really see. It is a pain in the ass. Especially when it goes against the belief Like riding waves. Persephone is taken into the realm of deep sad paths walked by all here on Planet Earth in all dimensions infinity. We need to grab the tail of our infinity our connection, and bow to oneanother and clap. Good tale. I say nice drama, now its time to remember it all. It is only from there that we find lasting solutions. So I will listen to the Wall and pray, what can I do? What am I best at? 'Swollen hand blues. ......electric lights....."" the wall.......