Conspiracy Theorist
I am supposed to eat it because I see things that are out of limits of allowed consideration.
Many of us knew, that dreadful day of 911 that it was intentional so that the Neo 'Cons could rape the globe. So I try to hang on to 'hope' about Obama. I see a magnificent potential in him
and I feel a kinship and a deep friendship for Joseph Biden even though I want to take something like a whip to wake him up. I feel like I have known him well in other lives. I feel like both of them could be activated to do the job but the dead hand is poised in a fist over their heads. Biden has skeletons that are always a threat. He is lucky to be alive because the Clinton's rule
for the rulers, - our president is the show. He is the window dressing. He stood up and called us back to the lie of 911. To the lie that they killed Osama this week. Maybe he believes it but it is still a lie..Really don't you think that the conspiracy is that 2 jets took down three steel buildings in thie own footprints like they were 'pulled demolition style? You can't think that without being ridiculed and if you are in the media you won't have a job.. Ridicule is embedded in our chains.
So I will turn to Dandelions a weed that has been vilified but is nutritious and supportive food and medicine that aids the kidneys and liver and is being studied as anti cancer for breast and prostate cancer. Its a happy weed. And like many other healing plants we have been programmed to see it as a nuisance that needs to be eradicated.
We need the Planet but she doesn't need us especially when embedded cruelty is raging through our culture.
People can't even see the sky over their heads let alone turn off their TV's. Programmed to Obey.(I am screaming again).
Intuition is not allowed....it is 'evil' is another aspect of control of the mime. Our ancestors barely survived the inquisition.