A prophet, Ike was. The Military Industrial complex along with servailance industrial complex along with the chemical companies are what have taken over our nation, suspended the constitution. It is the Supreme Court who has been the internal threat to our constitution and should be imprisoned for malfeasance. The constitution is the law of the land and the framework for our laws and the constitution has been eviscerated and cut at the hamstring. all laws that are out of the bounds of the constitution in the USA are invalid and void. We need a real Justice Department and not the Mob that we have today. BLAM!!!!!!!re
to all potential unknowing martyrs...you don't have to be a martyr ... free will.... resist not evil...full heart...alert energy and refusal to be a martyr by calling on the fates and archetypal energies for assistance... many have been duped into martyrdom... but we can call on them for assistance... amen asha. Lincoln, Jesus(who wasn't duped), Diana, Brandon Lee, and on and on I could go. t____August 21 I have a deep sadness today, like this is only half true. There are those who are willing sacrifices without knowing in there waking mind that there was an agreement to dance.
So what I want to say today is things are worse than they seem and better than they seem. We just have to hold the invitation for light and joy and celebration above fear, hate and division.
But anger and hate can instigate movement away from paralysis which is a step in the right direction. Anger has been my entertainment through out my life. I have to learn to morph anger into spirit led living.