Sometimes this world is like water
Waves currents of thoughts made manifest whether I want them or not
Like shards of glass in a broken mirror placed before my eyes
I heard the scream of the Nagual as it passed
my shield torn
cars on water- he and he and she and them
I felt the depth of grief and lay down to stop being seen crying
the photographer bold and idiotic in his pride
the sweethearts waiting for me to strike the trap
the jew with false teeth clacking
awkward- caught wacking off
On August 13 th I SAW A GUN TO MY HEAD San Juan Valley road.
John Buck is said to have committed suicide that day
So my conclusion is that there was an attack staged against Islanders this week.

John Buck and Mother Jane Buck Organized reggae concert beginning of the Summer
Questions in John Buck’s Death
Presumed Suicide.
Where was the gun.
Whose gun?
Did he like guns?
Was he having over the top difficulties with family?
Had he ever mentioned suicide or dieing recently?
Who found him? Felix? Seeping with darkness -Felix?
Was the family allowed access to the body?Who first concluded it was suicide?
How long did it take? I appeal to the friends of Sam Buck senior Help uncover the mold that grows
silently but boldly?