Solace This is what works for me this week. I have got to be of good cheer instead of freaking out. i woke up thinking that my nature loving nature would make me a good environmental activist, When I study what we - as ignorant idiots are doing to the planet and all life I become very heavy, hurt and depressed. But when I study politics and war I get fierce, and crazy angry which is better than being depressed. So I listen to this because it is whats been happening to me all my life. So call me crazy- its better than domestication. Mooo
* pugnacious
/ˈsɒlɪs/ Show Spelled [sol-is] Show IPA noun, verb, -aced, -ac·ing.
–noun Also called sol·ace·ment.
comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort.
something that gives comfort, consolation, or relief: The minister's visit was the dying man's only solace.
–verb (used with object) November 10. 2010 shopping -I really barely noticed her lurking around, hanging on our words. Nor did I notice meat man beard searching for the right cut. nor did I notice the female jock - not very much any way. at least they smiled.
to comfort, console, or cheer (a person, oneself, the heart, etc.).
to alleviate or relieve (sorrow, distress, etc.).