grabbed from 12 house power peak:
One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honestmaya Angelo
I am tucking this in on April seventh, eleven about Hammel update that it was a multiple stabbing. It seems incongruent,confusing, and very sad. theres talk that they arrested the son. who looks so sweet. Here is my first writing my waves , I drove by the house. black flower boxes, looks like it was painted recently. Sits above a curve in the road, I never have really paid attention to that house I can't say that I ever really noticed it as I drove by. I didn't know sharon Hammel but have seen her around. but it feels incongruent. Who the f is the twenty year old that was living there? who? who? who?
Who is the twenty year old.? I want to say satanic possession almost a conscious sacrifice.
What bothers me is the shadow that I saw briefly in S. I saw it in the middle of the session. But we all have that shadow. It came up for release but hid before it had a chance to leave. So I pause for pause
the fear in me is there. Starring me in the face. Stopping my energy. Stopping me it has nothing to do with me, but feels like it has a lot to do with me? How am I to respond?
How do you think I respond. I call in the forces that are bigger and greater than that slithering quivering darkness. Fuck. It is in my belly- that fear- that cold constriction.. I see it. How to release it? I want to swing from a vine like jane.---------------------------------------------___________________-----------------------------
so forrest said the twenty year old is Ian - Cameron's brother whO "likes guns" and "is smart" Forrest also said he thought if Ian was going to kill someone it would be for lots of money.
Cameron is one of Forrest's friends. a flash when I drove by the park street house tonight.
Now my speculation is calming down could the kid have been on Ritalin? Prozac? did she see something the town didn't want her to see? was she having an affair? the investigators have to ask all questions and not just fall into whats easy. Did the kid admit to killing his mother? We have been taught to steer clear from answers that are razor sharp.