I am sick. It moved into my chest and without coffee I am sleeping the day away. I get a call saying that I have a warrant for my arrest from w 2007 and if I don't pay without knowing the amount by April 28, 2011 I will be arrested. Pets off leash in the National Park. I feel like crying again or becoming the raging bull which never does much good. I am glad and thankful that the Ranger called me. He is a chief or something and sounded young and by the book.
In the wee hours of the morning I wrote two comments on the Seattle Times Website. One was about the murder of Sharon Hammel and one was about medical marijuana and the Feds saying that they will increase seizures of clinics if a certain law was passed. I wrote what I hoped was light hearted which said the Feds were from the Stone age blah blah blah. and i ended it with 'get with the program' and something about the program "not being a police state as some would have it be."
so I am feeling a squeeze coming. They have to stop dissent and we free speechers are the ones that they'll aim at first. Only 'they' are changing too. So I am sick. I've been staring at the dark-side to much- to often I feel like Pippen when he looked in the globe of Mordor. whatever it was called..
I feel this Barry guy is a good guy. So I thank him for giving me a call.
Its hard for me to let go of the Orb. Its hard for me to stop watching and knowing that the Predators have never been held accountable for the hell they create and they are knowing that they are being revealed for what they are so they are feeling cornered so all hell is set to be let loose as their last ditch effort. But I can't save the world I feel over-whelmed and need assistance/ They are cold and have had us hypnotized for too long. They do hope for mayhem. But its not up to just me to stop them, in fact, I want to quit trying to change the darkness and only play in the light.