Intuition is circular
round, symbolic, circumvents the straight line
sees over the fences in a mist like Birdseye view
but the details have to be filled in
one intuitive will see another aspect of the same thing
like the story of the people who are blindfolded and touching different aspects of an elephant. I do not like that my government is inches away from a fascist state again.
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Dear Rovert, I know you have a place on Orcas Island. I assume you like the beauty. I don't assume that you know how to Love. Love with a capital L. the Sacred Love. I don't know what sort of torture that you have endured to bring you to this juncture. I don't know your greatest fears. I assume that your heart has collapsed on itself in a struggle so immense that to get out of denial would bring shame upon your soul, but I think and feel that this shame is why you remain stuck in a paradigm that will kill the very things that you would celebrate. These things that you say in group think that protect our country are the very things that will kill it. snuff the dream. You allow drugs into our country- heroin and cocaine - in order to keep the prisons alive. The prisons are designed to make criminals and not to help our society reach new levels of vision. You allow as part of the pentagon the thing that threatens all life on this planet Like HAARP. This is because your eyes are fitted with blinders. Your minds are warped with each others beliefs which are flawed and destructive. Fear is the operating force of Empire. Fear which envelopes your own heart. Division is also the first rule of Empire and is why the Emperor is controlled by the force which divides the heart from the soul, the mind from the heart and the emotions from the divine. I realize I cannot fight you. So what else can I do but write you notes and pray for this land. PS sunny almost warm spring day. Pear tree is in full bloom and not one bumble bee, honey bee, mason bee or any other pollinator in its flowers in the afternoon of this warm day. This is wrong. Please stop the 'Geothermal Engineering" of our planet. It will kill you along with the rest of us.
Do you think you just dissipate when you die? Or will you join the Beast? You are at the GATE. April 18, 2011
so what else can I do but vent by writing and spending time on my knees. sometimes it is hard to see clearly because of our own beliefs and emotions won't let us see the truth about a situation. so its all new to admit to intuition. It has been outlawed for a long long time. Its in our genetic code to flinch when it whispers in our ears. and often we try to run from its musings.