This blog getting to be a quite a collection of random ramblings rumblings tumblings with no readers. I guess thats because it is crazy and random.
I woke up thinking of our prisons and how they train people to be thugs.
what a racket capitalism is. OK I am going to say it: I believe that capitalism is about to screw itself as it screws the American People - unless the 400 ubber rich families are all headed to Dubai, they still will not be 'safe'. Maybe safety is not what they want. They must want abject power to destroy the world.
They are poisoning us in weather modification experiments , they are dismantling our government because they have no depth of understanding of the creation of Government for the general welfare of its people. They are the rule makers and the rule breakers. they are underdeveloped thinkers, no spiritual depth. Rules are the basis of their thinking.
And they are designing a metallic uninhabitable Earth. If I were to say and I should say every thing I believe people would roll their eyes and make the 'es un loco' symbol.
Here goes...I believe that we are at a spiritual juncture and that it is time to ring the bell, kind of like a wake up bugle. I believe that each of us have special gifts that are needed at this time. Gifts to stop the nonsense. We can stream light to places that need light. That each one of us that does this magnifies freedom and love exponentially. Thats what 'they' the minions of- I hesitate to say it but will say it because I need to say it even if I am hesitant....the minions of Satan want to smash in us, joy, laughter, love..-now everybody will stop reading and call me crazy as they have been trained to do....).
So the label is set... thats what we do best. Label. "Sell your label baby." Be a socially accepted whore ignoring what your core knows is right and wrong.
So we have HAARP, a force of mass destruction that is so corrupted that we will not talk about it and if I bring it up - I get the label 'conspiracy theorist'. So I will wear that label proudly. Somebody has to look since denial is the basic training that we all are taught at birth: Deny who you are and what you feel and what you dream and what you see. Here put on these glasses of fog. Which most of us do because the big people seem to be able to inflict enduring pain if we don't. Its in our genes now. The masters burned us at the stake, tortured us, bled us, skinned us alive, crushed our babies skulls in front of us, and on and on, this game has gone.
The day has come for us to take off our shackles, Like a Horse that does not know that it could free itself we stand in a torpor ready to be made into toasty nuggets.
We allow our brothers and sisters to be slaughtered for our so called 'national interest' code for 'corporate interest'. I am talking Biblical brothers and sisters. We all are brothers and sisters. We all have gifts and abilities so muted as to make it look like Doom is upon us all.
My prayer is that today, my bell, my light, the rainbow blessing reaches all
who are being called to assist us in the shift happening in DC and on the west coast which are my metaphysical territories along with aspects of the sky and sea. Jupiter and Neptune sit on my spirit shoulders along with Christ at my lead. Should I say no to this? or should I let people call me crazy? oh yeah Pluto and the rest of those archetypal influences are behind me ready to be called forward. I am not alone.