What makes these men crave Empire? is it that they are little shriveled weenies, who crave the same sex, but have to hide and pay?
Are they Jealous of the young upright noble young man and have to send him off to be maimed in war?
Or are they possessed by evil so vile that it eats their hearts and their sight so that they are left as servants to the master of greed and treachery? or do we all have a shard of empire that is latent in its bloom? It rises in me when I hate Empire as fiercly as I do. and I know that I am supposed to turn away from division but am to fucking mad.
So in my town the division is at work. one of the steps...get people fighting with each other. Then scare them. watch them. every thing they do every where they go. divide and conquer. strip and rape. starvation and war poison and disease. Propaganda---> all tools of empire. amd O say it has to stop. so says I. I don't think the direction we've been heading in will be healthy or happy for anyone except psychopaths. who should be allowed to rule? the conman man or psychopaths?