Plunging into the depths of the vaccination issue, I find myself in awe of the ability to control the human population through the manipulation of their fears. Ridicule is how they control many scientists into submission.
I can’t believe how many people are herded into being vaccinated. Vaccines made of known poisons (like mercury and aluminum DNA strippers, cellular waste...), fetal tissues (including human fetus material) of all sorts of animals like chicken and apes and they use strands of DNA of viruses.
Scientists have been murdered because they study v.accination issues. Dr. Bradstreet and more than 33 holistic practitioners were speaking out against vaccinations and exposing some of the damage to our DNA and in the same timeframe died and were murdered.
We, the American people, are at a high risk point that next vaccinations are being manipulated to control the population and to cull the population. We are at a high risk that the Ebola virus being will be introduced to this country this winter. I predict that a vaccination will introduce Ebola into some port city and this will create a will to have all vaccinations to be further mandated. Ebola - likely a man-made horror being -ignited in this country. Who will stop it? Is the Center for Disease Control actually a corporation and not a governmental agency run in the service of the American people? The CDC is run as if they are in service of the pharmaceutical corporations. Who will oversee the formulations of the vaccines? To expect the CDC to is wishful thinking at best. Vaccines are part of the Criminal enterprise that has seized the USA by the neck. Our government has been incorporated and therefore operates under a corporate model where profit is the mandate and not the protection of the lives of its citizens.
California has been mandated to vaccinate all schoolchildren. The Californians are allowing this.
I just listened to Benjamin Fulford and he was full of all sorts of good news, but I won’t believe it until they stop weather modification. Weather modification, like vaccinations, are another tender spot in the security of any nation. No one analyzing the formulas they spray over us and onto our soils and into our lungs. No analysis except by analysis by the profiteers (who are by all evidence under a psychopathic spell).
They are able, at this time, to experiment over large swaths of population with unknown formulas. There is no oversight (none that I could find the many years that I’ve been studying the issue). It is highly classified and secretive. All people who work for the corporations who run these weather modification programs are subject to unconstitutional and therefore illegal gag orders. I say illegal because they are unconstitutional. We are not supposed to be subject to the limit of our free speech. We have the right to know what’s being sprayed and injected into our systems. I believe the same model corporation is responsible for a plan to subjugate the American people.
As long as there is weather modification I know that the ones who are subject to Luciferian practices are still running the show. Therefore, I don’t believe what my cousin Ben has to say today though it is nice to hear.
If I could fix this country :
*I would first have the task of testing every formula given by vaccine or sprayed over our heads and analyze them for neuro-toxins and stop them if they have any living organisms or neuro-toxins infused in the formulas especially secret ingredients.
Make gag orders that do not directly effect our National Security unconstitutional and no gag order or top secret document could be made to protect illegal activities.
*I would check all military and mercenary cargo entering our country for drugs, esp. coming from Afghanistan.
* I would monitor the people who made money from Las Vegas shooting, and the other false flag witnesses.
*Expose the Santa Rosa and Napa Valley fires as DEW weapon warfare experiments and land grab. Who is benefiting from the fires?
* Look into every death surrounding people who worked with the Clinton's
* Expose in public the pedophilia that has been promoted by the CIA and other governmental agencies.
* Mainly the MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND the gag orders pulled would fix a lot of things.
* The Supreme Court and their families need to be audited- including Scalia's family (Does Scalia's family go to Argentina or somewhere else for extended vacations? My theory is that Scalia is still alive.)