They sat with their backs touching, hardly ever did they have their talks face to face
they would lean into each others backs feeling secure
It was like they were captured in a sheet of glass. She would say look at this pattern and he would look. Both looking at the same thing. Both seeing completely different aspects.
That can be a good thing-in a strategic way- but it can hinder the way forward when discounting the other because each sees a different bend in the prism.
She had rescued him in this realm where they meet. He has been walled off from his knowledge. He had been a wizard and in her mind he still is. He was her teacher and now he has forgotten and that almost got him killed/
In three D she works at the main grocery store in Seaside. She lives ten miles down the road from the store. In a little cabin on the shore. She, if you met her, would not strike you unless you kind of were a bit confused after she gave you your change.
She has a hard time feeling normal in the day to day world. "Why does it seem so impossible in the solid world where she is supposed to live?."
She knows there are others - so many others all in suspended animation, when viewed from the realms where she feels the most comfortable.
She learned to be secretive about her "dreams" that's what she calls them. 'Her Dreams'
"Its like straddling stars" she tried to explain to her best friend. Her friend looked at her like she was crazy and didn't talk to her for six months.
Her mantra, she notices, is "nobody understands me"
In the other realms she commands. "
LIBRARY . [In the Library- she can look from a neutral standpoint at the swirls and the patterns of humanity on Earth. Wars could be called metallic imbalance. like a day in the life of God. Epochs can go by like clouds. A sweep of the hand.
She is trying to explain to him who he is. They are in the library now. in the library now
"And then we squish ourselves into this time this place and into our bodies An impossible feat but we do it
The wounds from the past in our Lives and journeys - are the portals that 'THEY' have used to confound and wall us off from the wild creative message of our soul
our souls reel away; Off to another galaxy while in this life we the people say "moo"."
"We are meat to them. See?"
He has been dealing with those she calls "THEM" for a few decades and has been embedded - within and without. He now has a choice.
The hero's journey.