I never knew that there was controversy about Allendes death. I studied Allende's death in the seventies, when he was murdered in a coup. How easily history is changed. Though we change it, sanitise it , the dead know, the whispers on the wind know. the truth is we need the truth in order to heal. "Governments Lie" I think Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky said that. I have been watching through the years as my country has brutalised South and Central America,Africa and the Mid East I totally missed East Timor and Indonesia. Empire. Also, in the baby Bush years, we sponsored a failed coup in Venezuela against Hugo Chavez - later when Chavez was at the UN he made his sulphur/devil joke or was he stating his perception of his would be murderer. Now, our leaders want to make us a third world Nation with rich overlords. As long as we have TV , I think we will let them have their way, Unless enough of us wake up and say wait a minute, Earth was meant to hold Eden and not Hell.
"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people."
Henry Kissinger
Salvador Allende was Assassinated! Wiki has been purged of the truth about that.
The right is also trying to change the Bible dropping the Gospels call for Love as the most important commandment. Showing their metallic hearts.
"Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Keep in mind that, much sooner than later, the great avenues will again be opened through which will pass free men to construct a better society. Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!"
President Salvador Allende's farewell speech, September 11, 1973.[6]
The blood silently becomes the tilth for our harvest.
Message Subject: Congradulations! relief
Message Text:
Dear Rick, I almost didn't support you in the primary, but ended up voting for you because I saw the exhaustion in your eyes at the League of Women's voters forum in Friday Harbor. You looked and talked like you had given up. I could imagine the forces that you have to deal with daily in your job. I thought 'who'd want to do that?' So, thank-you for your service, please encourage a sharp turn to the left or else everyone loses next time. whoops. The money is tempting, I know, but if you keep a free Internet, that shouldn't be much of a problem, people can start to identify propaganda and lies - if the Dems teach them the skill. YOu got to learn it first. You guys took to much off the table. Like war crimes. Again, Whew, congratulations Rick! Go get them., Nancy Brickman Friday Harbor