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Saturday, November 20, 2010

ya ya's

Making the decision that I will not be irradiated in order to fly. I've decided that I will ask to have an opposite sex (male) security officer do the pat down. I need me some thrills. A female patting me down like that would be -oh so - gay!

Chertoff pervert-fascist-that he is, should have been arrested a long time ago. What a world/
I am trying to maintain a sense of humor =the only way is to have preposterous theatre in my mind of people standing up to this ridiculous and dangerous third world torture chamber dream and vision that the monsters of our planet plan. Whoopy I am free in my mind and imagination as long as they keep the drugs out of our food and water..... whoops did I say something wrong or true? Any ways food security is on my mind this morning.

I don't wanna go around screaming "we are doomed" It is a temptation. Come on leaders open your fucking eyes. I woke up with Erik Holder's face in my mind today. He looked so puzzled and concerned. He hasn't been doing much of a job for our country. He's a good little boy don't you know. He will obey the monsters unless someone stands up with strength and conviction. Obama Obama Obama Read the tea leaves. they threaten you. and you listen. what was the 'Missile' con trait a threat? I think it was because it got so much attention.

I just finished 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' At one point Blomkvist finds that one of the rich brothers has been funding the "hibernating fascists".
Well the fascists aren't hibernating now. They are in charge of our decision making in the Security of our Nation. Only they know that we have to remain insecure in order to be controlled. I would reference PNAC. for a study of their plans and wet dreams. They are wounded, twisted, brother's and even more dangerous are the sisters involved. Mama Bush prison lady. But the other part of me has great hope and vision of the capitalist system with planned obsolescence and energy inefficiency and disregard for the environment and the people and creatures of Earth is doomed because it is a blight upon the planet. Money is a construct that we agree on. Maybe we can stop agreeing on it. A global situation where we are being strangled with this economy slated to go down, because then the greed monsters can gobble up the remains of the commons. They have no love for the citizens of the USA> or any other county. They feel genetically superior. Well I got news for them those baby monsters. We the People are genetically being upgraded to the true human stranded in codes of light. and your destructive nature is about to be encircled and controlled. You lose mother furcker's you lose.