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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Wall

Lets take care of our Veterans....They have been betrayed over and over again. May they be healed and supported and may our soldiers be used as warriors for the good instead of drones for the consolidation of power for the few. those who think they know better than the supreme being.

They plot to take down our economy to gorge on its remains. The soldiers -Posse_Comitatus_ - is no more. they drug our soldiers with what ever fog they need to be in to bruise their souls by acting against our trust.

January9, 2011
i am thinking about the speculation that McCain as in John is married to his half sister . an interesting thought.
Bazaar Thoughts floating around the airwaves for me to be ''thinken on''. .

January 12, 2-11 Sarah vibration Makes me want to cry for her.
A reading:Shield in front of heart Looks like an etchoscetch

Her Sixth Chakra in a beam of choice, she believes it is God.
Her injury . sixteenth century punitive torture upon her. She is always in protection of this twist of fate. Lies are a privilege because of the interpretation of Paul's words. The Alignment to the lie is from a lie and swirls its power in its defense of the lies. Power because of fear is her only defense. Her torso is frozen. Little breath. Mars in a tangle with her self esteem. She needs constant validation. If you did that you have an in with her big time. She feels like a little girl trying to be good but feeling like she is tricking everyone.