I had a mortifying moment today. What if my Aunt Rita read my blog. OMG. I've told her I swear but I don't think she quite knew what I meant. and then my unsubstantiated accusations that I make..."I'm just saying...." said in Jon steward's Bronx imitation and then I got to thinking what if anybody reads this.. my zigzags and swerves and full of meaning cues for the big guys. but who really has been my audience? They say you know ;'them' not my usual "THEY" more of an intellectual 'they' } They say that a writer needs an audience. So who has been mine? i would say the collective consciousness yep and any one who might stumble upon my collection of thoughts rants and unfinished strands maybe someone can relate.and understand but its mainly for me so I can have a collage of history to prompt memories and inspirations.
It is bloody cold. Did any body else see the edge in the sky today?