The Sheriff's Office stuff seems to be working things out. I was freaking yesterday because Forrest looked really bad the night before. He literally looked like a Zombie because his forehead was white like he put Halloween make up on and he was sweaty and irritable, especially having a mom who is practicably begging him not to die. My brother died a year and a half after my dad and I know a lot of families who lose members in batches. My fears were lit up.
I was really angry that the bike rumor seemed to have taken hold because a deputy told my daughter that 'Gardner was ninety percent sure that it was Forrest who crashed on a bike at the skate park>" Heidi had apparently heard wrong....I went into the Sheriff's office yelling for Mac to stop spreading lies (asking why Mac didn't offer the kid who fell off the bike- help? (Heidi's question plus the kid would have had scrapes? because that's what concrete does to skin.}-I was also demanding Gardner be taken off the case. I apologize for my tact. My nature tends to buck against authority. I have to learn to ease that tendency.
I think I will start using this blog to write archetypal forecasts and about herbs, healing and spirit. to hell with the psychopaths. literally.. It feels good to let go but my focus on the
psycho's is much an addiction that I have to consciously break. My Warrior nature needs another project.