the hit man seems familiar. Was that free advertising for him? I am sure he is still working- only he charges more.
Pat Robertson has probably hired a number of hit-men. He had a number of people in Liberia killed or shall I say his equipment was used to bury the natives who claimed the gold mines (his company was bought with donations from his flock was called 'Freedom Gold Limited'). He is not a smart man, he is a puppet told what to say. A Christian? I want to throw up.
on him and the cold eyed man hiding behind words. Magic words? No heart, no heaven.
I can not imagine being such a pawn of the Dead Hand: empty head, cold heart.
Also unreported-- until two pilots came forward with the story in 1997-- was the fact that Operation Blessing's tax-exempt cargo planes were used almost exclusively for Robertson's diamond-mining operation, not for humanitarian purposes. A subsequent investigation by Virginia authorities turned up evidence for charging Operation Blessing with violations of the state's charitable solicitation law. But the office of Virginia Attorney General Mark Earley, who had received a $35,000 campaign contribution from Robertson, declined to prosecute. Robertson reimbursed Operation Blessing for the use of the planes, and the charity agreed to tighten its financial controls.from:
I get the hunch that he is related to George W. something like soul mates.
To call Robertson "A chimp of a man" would be an insult to chimps. Chump is more like it.
adding august 25 2011 ]TAKEN FROM EAT IT...
SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 (added sept. 8
Did Kristian have contact with Jacob Hansen or Tyler Nigretto before forrest got punched or after? Or did someone serve as a go between? Who?
-Why didn't Kristian tell Gardener that Forrest was punched in the face?
-Why was Kristians look alike cousin, Sam, allowed and kept in the same area that Forrest was giving his statement to Jeff Asher, when he told Jeff that he was a witness?
-Why did Mac make up the bike accident rumor? Why did it stick so well? Are they all a bunch of idiots or did they intentially want to give Gardener an out? Forrest did not have any scrapes. It is impossible to do a face plant on concrete without abrasions,
-Why didn't the sheriff put a stop to the Rumor ?
-why did Sheriff Nou keep Gardener on the case?
-Why did I feel such intense fear when Kristian came to visit Forrest. Easy money?
Is my county really as bad as it is looking as far as filth, murder and mayham? Or am I seeing what I want to see? Gary, Sharron and Landus? Any common threads?
-What did Kristians witness statement say? who can and will Help????? What should I be doing?
Is Nou friend or foe? Can I leave out judgment?