There is a booming part of our economy: The Surveillance Economy where people from all walks of life are recruited. Some paid, others are volunteers until they can get paid. Is this the kind of state we wish to live in? Absolutely no privacy? The type of people have a glitch in their personalities that allow them to be spies and think that it is ok. the big girl today, I know, knows she is doing something against her spirit. Our spirit craves freedom. the little self craves control.
But people are still stuck in the little self mode. Hypnotized good little boys and girls, doing their duty, shitting on our constitution.
"thou shall not bare false witness" - which means to me don't lie. How much lying is going on? How much do the sneak and peak legion steal and plant? Not good not fun.
but I want to have fun today and let the country go where people want it to go and if that means they won't wake up until they have nothing, because the corporations have moved on to having the USA be the police and slave country. A lovely vision of making the planet hellish for all. I know most people would say no, but we are constantly being programmed and mislead and until you learn about your own sovereignty you will be a cow being led to slaughter. Energetically we are all sons and daughters of the creator. This is a beautiful truth. We can change in a 'twinkle of the eye"