I will stop trying to warn everyone about the world at large. OK? I hand the baton to the Universe. Others can deal with it. I am done. This is as long as Forrest and Heidi stay healthy. I, however, want the lies to stop in the Sheriff's office. That will be my focus.
one of the Deputies told my daughter that Deputy Gardner is "ninety percent sure" that he saw Forrest do a face plant off a bike at the skate park. Yes, Forrest goes to the skate park but its to visit his friends who skate and stuff. He never has participated. The strange thing is is at first it was Mac saying it. Now its Gardner? and as Heidi asked is why didn't a Sheriff's employee ask if the kid needed help? because It is a LIE! And so Sheriff Nou has his hands full -
I know this is more than surface corruption and they are going to attack my reputation or already have. Only a lot of people know me and my character and can tell a lie when 'the hand' feeds it to them.
San Juan County is a microcosm of the problems with the world at large. People in power using lies and secrecy to cover up truth. It is going to be hard to surrender because it is not my nature. I need help sorting this out. God? are you listening?