Why I am paranoid:
the biggest reason that I feel like Forrest could have been targeted is because
I have been a mosquito to the power structure of Empire.For Instance- Once I called my congressman's office about the assassination of the crew (Captain John Frue and crew and the loading crew- 0oops did I say assassination? oh- I mean 'accidental deaths' ) of the
'lose nukes' I asked my congressman's office who I should call? they gave me the number to the Senate Arms Services Commitee. The Air-force Admiral stepped down a couple months later. More recently there seemed to be code being used straight up in the verification code of the whitehouse... It is documented in this blog along with the other places that I stick my nose into.
So, any how, the game, isn't as overt as when Bush was in the whitehouse but they are still there. Robert Gates retiring in San Juan County (bar code/ Vote here) seems pertinent to me too. Nothing has been done. Maybe Hitler was right when he said "Lucky for rulers that people don't think." Maybe its ok if they win? I am tired and grieving and don't want to look anymore.
Deputy Gardner dropping the ball and spreading lies does not help - (read this months past posts documenting the escalation of fear in my heart) My fight has always been for 'Truth and Justice and 'The American Way' '. That way that I was taught about that was the 'American Way' featured Mercy and Honor. I guess it was a myth. Peace